Whose Doper name do you feel you need a little info on?

Tell them?


I was goofing around with “DIY beat poetry” stringing words in a line. Also my brother and my husband agreed with a wink and a nod years ago that I am an older version of Lisa

Great topic.

Back in the days when I was house-bound and could not even get out the front door, I joined the community here. Hence Cabin_Fever. I would have picked something more esoteric but it fit me at the time and wear it proudly to this day.

Wait, there was a cartoon?

Anyway, I wouldn’t mind hearing the skinny on WOOKINPANUB. That one’s always puzzled me.

I believe it’s from a SNL advertisement skit with Eddie Murphy for a fake cover album called “Buckwheat Sings Love” (that is, Buckwheat the Li’l Rascals character)

There are a few clips, but one is “wookin pa nub in aww the wong paces, wookin pa nub”

Mine comes from this song.

Yep. But I was relieved that I wasn’t the only one who (somewhat dyslexically) misread it as Wookie in a Pub.

And, really, that never ends well…

I still see it as Wookie in a pub.

Me too, but now I hear the tune.

♪♫Wookie 'n a pub, in all the wrong places♪♫
♪♫Wookie 'n a pub, in too many faces♪♫

Ah, it’s the Hittite spelling of Queen Puduhepa, one of the most interesting and influential rulers of the Hittite Empire (modern-day Turkey, ca. 13th century BCE). She was FANTASTIC. I was gonna post an excerpt of the actual letter from Puduhepa to Ramses II to illustrate this point, but anyone who could browbeat one of the most famous and powerful rulers of Egypt and actually get away with it is awesome in my book.

I was studying Hittite at the time and it seemed like a good choice for a user name. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a poor choice for a user name because nobody can spell it or remember it.

Interesting stuff, thanks for responding.

So scholarly.

I’m not a big fan of the Gibbs.

My initials are BG

In the late 90s, at work we had a bunch of chat rooms available to us to discuss various work-related issues and problems. It also included a room for general nonsense - since we worked at wide-spread locations, it was our water-cooler equivalent.

I decided that using my name was too boring, and I thought FairyChatMother was a clever handle. However, we were limited to 12 characters, so FairyChatMom was born. Another chatter was involved in the naming process, but I’ve pretty much forgotten his contribution. :smiley: Anyway, just a silly name that I’ve used for almost 20 years now.

Or a very minor character in a well known novel by a Great Writer. That works too.

I’ve been obsessed with enjoying and making maps since I was eight years old, and I’m fortunate that my work involves a lot of maps and mapping.

The fact that my life so far happened to coincide with a revolution in cartography – from static printed maps to digital ones to interactive web maps, plus the quite sudden instant availability of so much data, imagery (satellite and air photos, etc.) – has been both exhilarating and annoying.

I just read that book and when that character was mentioned I thought of you. “Hey, it’s That Guy from the SDMB!”

Wow! I feel validated. :slight_smile:

When I first saw your name I quick grabbed my uke and played a Dm7b5, so’s I could get an idea what you’re all about. You’re all about discord, aren’t you?

now that you’ve posted, I have to ask about your username.