Whose line is it anyway? Gaddafi vs. Charlie Sheen.

Yeah, Charlie, I’m tired of *other *people pretending like I’m not special. I feel ya!


Only missed the ones that I second guessed myself.


After the revolution, obviously, Sheen is on the short list to replace the current leader of Libya (whose name I can’t spell correctly).

“People misinterpret my passion for anger. … You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be, like, Dude! Can’t handle it! Unplug this bastard! Because it fires in a way that is, I don’t know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm.”

WTF? Seriously?
Somebody needs some time away from the bong.

7/10. Missed the Truther quote, the 4 AM quote, and the “every movement starts with one man” quote.

Only 4/10. Quite a spectacle seeing Charlie Sheen self-destruct in front of our eyes. What’s kind of sad is that IF he gets over this latest bizarre behavior his career will be even bigger than before. That’s the way it seems to work in Hollywood.

7 out of 10. I missed 2, 9 and 10.

I was most surprised by #2; that’s such a perfect crazed-dictator quote.

8/10. I spend way too much time surfing gossip websites.

8/10, apparently I can tell an almond from a pecan.


I got 6, 7 and 8 wrong.

I knew Sheen was a truther, so I got 10 correct or else I totally would have attributed it to Gaddafi.

There’s also a triple Sheen/Gaddafi/Beck quiz floating around out there; I didn’t do nearly so well on that one.

I really want to see someone matching 'em up with quotes from WW[F/E] wrestlers.

I got 7/10 only because they played a bunch of these Sheenisms on the radio during my morning drive.

I got 8/10, missing #7 and 8.

They missed using “I must execute him like the stupid Jew pig that he is.”

I’m shocked no one got under 3 and more than 8!

Heh. Jay Leno actually said earlier this week, “People keep saying we should try to control Muammar Khaddafy. We can’t even control Charlie Sheen!”

I got 3, but only because I knew that Charlie has said the truther quote. If I’d had to guess, I’d have guessed it was Gaddafi, and gotten 2 right.

4/10. That is some funny stuff!

I read a lot of Sheen’s quotes are coming from Twitter. I am wondering if someone else is writing his tweets for him. It sounds too sophisticated for him :slight_smile:

I don’t have to worry about that question, because i got 5/10. I’m 5 off, whichever way you look at it.

I heard a clip of him saying this on the radio while driving home the other day and nearly ran off the road. I really had no clue how insane he was.

6/10. I don’t keep up with Hollywood gossip, so I wasn’t even sure who Charlie Sheen was. I’m still not sure. He’s an actor, apparently, but I can only say I’ve vaguely heard the name before.