I was looking at the Michael Moore show last night and I’m now wondering have many of you heard of the Vote Ficus campaign . If you have did/will you vote for the plant in what is a protest vote ?
This is a blatant attempt at undermining the Dead Chipmunk campaign, and I, for one, will not stand for it.
That, and they don’t have a Ficus running in my state. Damn.
I get Michael Moore’s newsletter, and heard about the Ficus race a few weeks ago. It’s a shame and a pity that no one in my district was running a Ficus.
It ALSO blows considerable monkey-chunks that “The Awful Truth” runs on Bravo (in my area) at the same time that “South Park” is on. How am I supposed to decide? And we can’t get the stupid VCR to record one channel while we’re watching another.
That’s it. I have to buy a new VCR.
Yojimbo, I saw it too!! It rocks quite considerably, and our U.S. frinds wont be able to see it until tonight.
p.s. Did you mail him liked he asked?
He was playing quarter slot machines at an Indian casino in Acme, Mich.
Told him how much I liked his stuff; how pissed I was when they took his NBC show off the air, etc.
He was playing one quarter at a time in a three-quarter machine. You’d think he’d have the money to be more of a high-roller …