Why are the Jews the scapegoat of the world? Why is it that when things go bad, there’s nothing better than some good old fashioned Jew hating?
Look, I’m Jewish. I’m not religious, I don’t wear the “funny black hat”, I don’t have long sideburns, I don’t have a long nose or black hair like so many of the stereotypes suggest. I’m not rich, I work at a part time job and buy things for myself and my friends. Yet the stereotypes persist about richness and cheapness.
In all seriousness, why has it become so easy to blame Jews for all the problems in the world? I’m not one of those people who uses the argument “6 million of us died during the war, give me special treatment”. I think it was a horrible time, but why are they still so hated?
In the past when threads have talked about September 11th and the situation in Israel, there will always be the people who spout anti-semetic comments. To you people I ask “what have the “dirty Jews” done to you?” Really, did a bunch of them get together, put you in a sack and beat you with sticks?
It’s hard for me to speculate because I AM Jewish. Is the hatred just passed on by parents? Is anti-semitism just part of our culture?
When you made the whole Roman Empire tow the Christian line, you set up everything that followed. I have been wanting to talk to you about this. I thought you were dead.
I don’t think any but the ignorant–the same people who are racist or homophobic–hate Jews. There is a distinction between Jews and Israelis, and the actions of the Israelis are as open to scrutiny and criticism as the actions of any other nation or political body.
I’m not Jewish and I’ve always wondered the same thing myself. You folks’ only major competition seems to be the Gypsies.
Hmm, Jews and Gypsies…maybe it’s the “wandering” thing? So often strangers in the lands in which you’re found? That could be it, that plus a little xenophobia, yes?
Take a look at The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism by David I. Kertzer. Although the Catholics are far from being the only group who held to notions of anti-semitism, it gives you an idea of how a group could propegate such rubbish. Here is the amazon link to the customer reviews of the book:
Just reading through the reviews will give you an idea of what was involved – Church newspapers repeating the blood libel and then, when a Bishop called them on it, claiming (in internal meetings) that the Bishop was merely a pawn of the Jewish conspiracy.
I’m pretty skeptical of any book with that sort of thesis. It would definitely appeal greatly to Jack Chick, but shouldn’t appeal to any right-minded individual. You yourself may admit that Catholics are not solely responsible for anti-Semitism, but there are lots of people who would love to read a book like that and conclude that way.
Whether or not you think he accomplishes his goal is not really the most important part of this work. The research is valid and presumably accurate (it was, after all, the Vatican’s own records). It does not matter whether readers agree or disagree as to the level of culpability (and, therefore, agree or disagree with his ultimate thesis), the research shows an institutionalized anti-semitism, which is very relevant to the OP. After all, if it could happen in the Vatican, where else was it happening?
You don’t know many Jews that feel punished/persecuted?
You don’t know many Jews that believe in the covenant?
You don’t know many Jews who believe their own scripture?
Hey, it’s just a theory based on the application of an actual psychological event.
P.S. I also think, that in the past, it was a common belief by many that God cursed those who did “BAD”.
…if a large population truly believed that they were CHOSEN or CURSED there would be many realizations/revelations of this belief, whether real OR imagined.
this would in turn…Well, you know how self-fullfilling prophesies go, right?
Oh, by the way, a person or a generation doesn’t have to presently believe in something for it to have already affected them or their ancestors.
I don’t know of many Jews that believe that the reason for anti-semitism is that G-d is punishing them for some sort of sinfulness. Where’s your evidence that that’s cause of anti-semitism?
Lots of hate out there, Marcus. Few of us are exempt from being the targets of bigots and ethnic hostility trolls.
Tom Lehrer said it best:
"Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks;
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule…
But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans 'cause it’s very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can’t stand,
You can tolerate him if you try!
Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews.
But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
It’s National Everyone-Smile-At-One-Another-Hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It’s only for a week, so have no fear;
Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!