Why are liberals referred to as "bedwetters"?

A search for “Stupider than counting hits in a Google keyword search” returns:

So no, according to Google, there isn’t.

Hmm…he wasn’t trying to prove that liberals were bed wetters, but that the phrase is in common use. In which case, the number of times Google finds the phrase seems a good way to establish how much the phrase is used (though as pointed out, the poster screwed it up by not putting the phrase is quotes).

The point of smiling bandit’s observation is an attempt to explain why liberals are sometimes referred to as “bedwetters,” which was the subject of the OP.

Googling “bob co idiot” yields 2,250,000 hits. :smiley:

I’ll concede that it was a less egregiously stupid use of Google to prove a point than is often the case, but still pretty dumb. Even if he had used quotes and gotten (e.g.) 5,000 hits, what does that prove? Information is copied and quoted so often on blogs that the number of hits can be vastly different than the number of original usages. Sifting through the results and finding a dozen reasonably visible opinion pieces or television transcripts where the phrase was used would have demonstrated some measure of common usage. Simply giving the number of hits itself is pretty meaningless.

No cites, (I listened to him enough over the years, and am still undergoing mental detoxification) but I believe that conservative radio host Neal Boortz coined the phrase when he was mocking a female caller on his talk show who related her childhood experiences during the Cuban Missile Crisis. With all of the doomsday headlines at the time, she honestly thought that the world was coming to an end, and Neal thought that this was really funny. He referred to her as something like a “Liberal bedwetter cowering under the sheets.” I hadn’t heard the phrase before then.

Well, it is, compared with anything bob_co has ever posted.

It’s like comparing Democratic Underground with Free Republic. The DUers sometimes appear to be morons, but the FReepers always appear to be idiots. Idiots who are not even studying to be morons.

Oh, I know. I was replying to the second poster (who wondered about examples), not the OP. But I see I came off as snarkier than I meant to be. Sorry.

was followed by



I know some folks have a hard-on for Der Trihs, but i don’t see what was wrong with his comment. It was offered in the exact same spirit as the OP, and was a perfectly appropriate rhetorical response. When people ask dumb-fuck questions, they are most likely to get snarky, simplistic answers.

Any idea on a year? The first time I recall hearing the phrase was when Judd Winick referred to himself as a “bedweting liberal” in an episode of the San Francisco season of “The Real World” and that would have been in 1994.

Without doubt this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Witjout any prior knowledge of the OP its easy to tell he’s either a troll or a moron.

Bolding mine. Don’t you mean AND?

Early 90’s is the best I can do. I can’t swear that Boortz invented the phrase, but I remember the radio incident vividly and I know that he didn’t use the term before then.

Precisely. It was mockery. And the OP is so very mockable.

Most people found a way to respond without insulting fellow board members. But even if you’re right in general, Der Trihs’s response was apparently heartfelt rather than mockery as he now claims, since he bothered to search for “evidence” and provide links.

Huh ? What links ? Methinks you have confused me with Larry Borgia.

And what’s wrong with insulting this idiot ? Or conservatism ?

#26 is kinda where I was going with this. Hence the peacnik reference. I found it hard to believe that an obscure radio show host (back in the 90’s) could have coined a phrase that seems pretty wide spread.

A google search for: +“liberal bedwetter” searches for the oxymoron.
A google search for: liberal bedwetter searches for all occurances of either words.
A google search for +“liberal” +“bedwetter” searches for pages that have both words at least once. 928 hits.

Google can not find references to bedwetter that are being used in the manner that I was referring to.

Bedwetter has come to mean:
Hive mind
Socialists (including the national socialist party of WWII Germany)
Left Wing

Did I miss any?
What are the other end of the spectrum?

Right Wing

Sorry about the spelling.

I think he’s trying out for the position of the board’s Conservative Gadfly Who Exposes the Hypocrisies of the Left.

That position open? Somebody died?

Because they don’t want to like, beat the fuckin’ shit out of everything, bro! Fuckin’ pussies.