Why are liberals referred to as "bedwetters"?

Well, you are what you eat.

You too? Is this calling the Nazis socialist a recent thing, or have I just been missing it up till now?

Or is it a libertarian thing?

Everyone they don’t like is a socialist now, including billionaires George Soros and Warren Buffet, and all the Hollywood types who scrape by on mere millions a year. And Al Gore.

Thus far I am the sole person here to attempt to actually answer the question.

The OP may be stupid or biased; you have so far proven that you are stupid, biased, and lack any kind of sense of humor. Do you consider this an improvement?

I’ve been hearing it for years. The far right has a simple view of the world, you see; you are either on their side wholly and completely, or you are the tool of the Devil. Which Devil depends on the focus of the right winger in question. Socialism = Atheism = Liberalism = Communism = Satanism = Leftism = Environmentalism = Nazi = Science = Catholicism ( if not Catholic ) = Protestantism ( if not Protestant ) = Etc. They seem to be regarded as interchangable, and as part of the same Forces of Evil.

This was the political system of Nazi Germany. Every time that someone calls right wingers Nazis they are actually refering to war mongering or racism when the political system of the Nazis was actually closer to the left. Ironicly, the left and this sort of government relies on exactly this kind of mob dumbness.

Ya know, that argument that the Nazis were really socialists sounds a bit familiar…

Not really.

I heard the “nazis were socialists” argument back in college. It baffled me with its irrelevance then and it does now. It’s arguments like that that show the core of good sense underlying Godwin’s law and its corollaries.

First, I have no doubt there were socialist aspects to the Nazi economy. There are socialist aspects to every economy, including the U.S. All successful countries today practice a mixed economy, combining aspects of socialism and capitalism.

Second, even if they were socialist, so what? The Nazis were carbon-based life-forms. Does this mean Carbon-based life is evil? More seriously, A staff report recently pointed out that the Nazis were among the first to link smoking and cancer, and also tried to stop German women from giving babies beer. Should good anti-nazis smoke and feed babies beer? Saying “Nazis did it” does not mean that “it” is necessarily evil.

It’s amusing that no one ever extends this naming convention out to the German Democratic Republic.

Um NAZI means national socialist political party of the WWII era germany. They were the Democratic party of their time.

Get over it already. It does not mean that they were racists or war mongers. It’s just a name for a party.

It is just so ironic that people keep calling this administration WWII German Democrats. Get it?

Precisely. It’s just a name. They can, of course, call themselves whatever they want. Including, for example, giving themselves a name that doesn’t actually match their endeavours.

No, they can’t, because sooner or later, they’d have to say in on TV, and if you say it on TV, it has to be true. If they avoid it, someone will notice.

GDR was not a democracy. Niether is what the Democrats propose.
They must both rely on the rhetoric about keeping the man down.

I think that we have pretty much figured out that a bedwetter is some sort of an isolationist person. Probably someone against nuclear proliferation but doesn’t know how to accomplish that.

Good heavens! I’m glad you told me that. I shall, in the near future, join the New Democratic Party.

And I’m glad that you will never call the Republicans the new democrats either.

No, no, no. The man is who you stick it to, he keeps you down. Unless he’s you, of course.

Of course not; the Republicans are the new leftists.

bob_co’s work here is done.
