Why are owners given the trophy first in American Sports

I think except the NHL, all trophy presentations are done so the owner of the winning team gets his hand on the trophy first. Why is that? Pretty much everywhere else it is the captain* of the winning team. How did that tradition develop?

Well he did pay for it.

Was he on the pitch?

You’re missing the point. He (it’s usually a he) paid for it. That is the answer.

The owners own the league. The commissioner works for the owners. They’re the bosses and they want the glory.

The NHL is noteworthy in that it traditionally hands the Cup to the captain of the winning team, but that tradition goes back a long way and it’d be a PR disaster to change it. But for the most part the league is run for the benefit of the owners, so they get the trophies.

Why do movie producers get the Oscar for Best Picture? I think it really is the same answer. They are the ultimate bosses of the endeavor.

Keep in mind that, unlike most trophies, the Commissioner’s (baseball), Vince Lombardi (NFL), and Larry O’Brien (NBA) Trophies aren’t “one thing”; there’s a new one each year, unlike the FIFA World Cup or England’s FA Cup. The owner gets to keep the trophy, so that’s probably why they are the ones shown to receive it.

Also, the trophies themselves aren’t as prestigious; not that many people could tell you what the World Series championship trophy even looks like.

Soccer teams are often paid for by owners as well. Cricket and rugby clubs too. They all have a tradition that the Captain gets the trophy. I do wonder why the tradition of the owners arose. Its interesting.

As for NHL, is it the Canadian influence? Who receives the Grey Cup (thats what its called right?) in Canadian Football.

The Captain gets to keep the trophy? In the case of American sports, it’s the ring that’s the thing. Plus, the owner typically handles the trophy just for the interview. It then gets handed from manager/coach to players so they all get to hold it. Plus, not all teams even have a captain while others have multiple captains.

The Grey Cup is indeed presented to the team captain, so maybe it is a Canadian thing.

No. He gets the trophy first. Typically the presentation goes like; losing team goes up first to receive their medals led by their Captain. Then the winning team is led by a senior player. The captain receives his medal last and is presented with the trophy.

Maybe this is a British derived tradition, whilst owners is an American one?