Why are pigeons eating my Delosperma ice plants?

I have some orange flowered Delosperma ice plants (at least I’m almost certain that’s what they are) growing outside. The pigeons, particularly this time of year it seems, just love to chow on them. The plants grow fast and are easy to propogate, so I don’t mind too much. But, I am curious why they love this plant in particular. I have lots of other plants they could be snacking on. I even have some hot pepper plants you’d think would be tasty to them, but apparently aren’t.

I did a google search to see if they were edible but didn’t find much. I did find out they contain “DMT and N-methyltryptamine” but that means absolutely nothing to me. Might be drug related though.

Any ideas?

Perhaps the shiny, fleshy, succulent leaves are the draw. Nothing like a little liquid refreshment on a warmish day. Did you perhaps spray them with anything that might tickle their tastebuds[assuming they have any] Since they seem to eat anything and everything, this quest may take awhile.

No, haven’t sprayed it with anything.

DMT was well known as a hallucinogen, back in the day. (Of course this might be a different DMT.) IIRC, it was dimethyltryptamine.

Maybe they just need their poor little minds expanded.

So DMT and N-methyltryptamine are hallucinogens, and my pigeons are getting stoned?

See, I figured when they all took off flying it was in reaction to some subsonic sound I couldn’t hear. Now I should assume they really are just tripping?

Wow. Does this make me a pigeon drug pusher?

The next step is to figure out how to charge the damn pigeons.

Or just eat the pigeons, maybe I’d get stoned on whatever it is they like.

Seriously, just bumping 'cause I’d still like to know more about this, if possible.