Why bother to wrap it....?

My rents (yes, I still live at home… I’m not financially independent yet… :slight_smile: Oh where was I?) My rents asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. I rattled off a few things, including “Palm Pilot,” which they jumped on. God bless them. :slight_smile:

Anyways, they asked me what kind I wanted, and we settled on a Palm Vx.

They went out on Black Friday and bought it.

And told me.

And wrapped it and will give it to me on Christmas Eve as is the family tradition.

If there were any way I could be more confused without being greedy, I’d find it… hehehe

We’ll now return you to your regularly scheduled MPS.

Yeah, I know what you mean. My friend and his wife went out and got a Palm and his wife informed him that it was his Christmas present, took it away from him and wrapped it up. It’s under the tree, tormenting him until Christmas…

Maybe it’s so when your friends or other family members ask you what you want for xmas you can say: “I’d like X adapter, Y faceplate, and Z software to go with the Palm I’m getting.” That way you can have the whole shebang at once?