Why can't Boston Public have just one normal episode??

Everything has to be some sort of over-the-top drama.

One week, some girl is used as slave labor

One week, one girl is a stripper

One week… you get it.

Why can’t Boston Public just have one episode where the principal just stays at home and has a normal day, and nothing out of the ordinary happens.

But noo… if they had that initial idea, then somebody would crash a plane into the school, and the pilot would be an ex-student, and the principal would be in trouble for being home, and then drama ensues.

Do any of the BP writers remember High School?

Haven’t you noticed by now? Every episode is a Very Special Episode[sup]TM[/sup]. It’s their schtick.

I wondered the same thing. All the high schools in the country would have to be put together to have the same amount of outrageousness shown only in Boston Public.

Alas. Normal episodes would make a less interesting show. And FOX wants to make money…

Whitney Houston sings at their prom this week!!! Just like at my high school…

I stopped watching two episodes after Jessalyn Gilsig disappeared with no explanation. And the first season had been so promising . . .

We’re talking about a David E. Kelley program. Mr. Kelley has an unfortunate taste for gimmicks. As a result of that taste, every show that he’s ever done has been ruined by a gimmick overload.

all we ever got was Bobby Brown.

and they arrested him… something just didn’t seem right with him having an 18 year old prom date

Boston Public. Every week there will be:

  • Sex.
  • A “very special” situation.
  • At least one musical number.

The first season was fairly good. It has sucked bad ever since.

I’ll admit that I watch the show, as unrealistic as it is, because I like the drama. I think the whole Whitney Houston at prom thing is stupid and ridiculous, though.

But who am I kidding…I’ll end up watching tomorrow night just like all the other drama-freaks in America! :smiley:

Well the show would desperately suck if they’d just show “normal” stuff in high school. Same with David E. Kelly’s * The Practice *, it seems like every episode these days has to have a twist at the end - not very realistic, but where would it be without all that stalking etc…?

  • ER * would be awfully boring if the docs just have to cure colds and coughs all day :smiley:

I agree that BP goes * way * over the top… I guess it just makes the series watchable.

It’s Kelley’s new meta-gimmick. Jump the Shark in every episode!

I have other plans monday nights. But even without seeing recent episodes, who would watch if nothing happened?The studens show up, boring lecture, maybe a pop quiz for excitemnet, the eat lunch, some more classess, they go home.


they could hype it like something will happen, but then nothing will happen.

As sort of an inside joke.

I HATE David E. Kelly’s style.

I don’t think the man should be allowed to get any more work in entrainment, EVER!

I watched this show for a while just because it made me laugh. The writers have clearly not been in a real high school in a long time. I especially love the school policies- all responses to misdeeds are either absurdly minimal or ridiculously serious. Running a sex motel in the study loungs? Two weeks’ suspension! Got pregnant? You’re outta here!

I watch every week in vain hope of a Miss Suitor shower scene.

That would be like asking Dallas, Dynasty, or Melrose Place to have a normal episode during their run, people don’t want to see normal, they want far-fetched, or these shows wouldn’t stay on.

That’s not true. There’s also A Very Controversial Episode…, A Must See Episode…, An Episode You’ll Be Talking About…, An Episode That Will Change Boston Public Forever…

I don’t watch the show, but I’ve scanned some of the threads about it. So my question is this: Do they take time to build up any of the problems, like the racial tension, girls with eating disorders, whatever? I mean, do they take several episodes to establish a problem and eventually have it come to a head? Or do problems just crop up and get resolved in one inclusive episode?

My favorite quote from that show is this “On the internet? That’s where sexual predators HANG OUT!”

Just because the actress put such emphasis on “HANG OUT”… it sounded terrible…hanging out… forget about sexual predators…HANGING OUT is the problem.