Why can't I rent The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey?

It’s a better edit, especially of the middle section in Rivendell, which is longer, but plays smoother.

The same thing happened to the Two Towers. I think it is the weakest theatrical cut, but the extended is the best movie in the series.

Here is an article about how the extended is better.

At the same time, I’ve noticed an alarming increase of the number of items in my DVD queue with “Wait” notations, suggesting that their DVD inventory is dwindling. (I’ve had Bridge on the River Kwai on top of my list for months with the availability listed as “Long Wait.” Are they seriously having trouble keeping an in-print, 57-year-old classic in stock?)

As for their streaming stock, I think Netflix is kind of remodeling itself as an internet TV station, and is putting more energy into acquiring series than movies.

Huh, when I watched it on HBO On Demand, it was free. I guess it’s no longer available then?

I get a lot of movies from the library, too. If you don’t mind waiting a week or two, sometimes, it’s free and reliable.

It’s currently available on Cinemax On Demand for free - it’s in their play rotation at the moment too. That’s pretty standard for the pay channels though, especially relatively recent or big budget movies - they’ll put it in the play rotation and On Demand for one or two months, then it’s gone again.

ETA: and by free, I mean free to subscribers. I don’t think non-subscribers can get any pay channel On-Demand, without signing up for the whole package. I’ve definitely seen though where a movie was simultaneously in a pay channel On Demand for free as well as the carrier (FIOS in my case) On Demand for $3-6

I can borrow a surprising number of movies from the library, too, as mentioned. If my local branch doesn’t have it, they will get it from another branch. The thing is, the bestest and newest movies always have a long waiting list. Better to find out when it’s coming out, and get your name on the reservation list ASAP. (I do this online, if I hear about a movie I want to see I just keep checking the site to see if it’s available, and reserve online)

Public Library + Redbox = Crazy DVD-licious

www.canistream.it is a cool site for finding out how and where you can get your hands on a movie or show. You can also get an alert when it comes to your preferred streaming method.


It would never have occurred to me to look at the library as a place to borrow ‘popular’ DVDs. A quick check shows that the Sacramento Public Library system has 56 copies of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, with a current waiting list of 4.

I’m not terribly interested in seeing The Hobbit, at least until the third movie is available, but I’m glad I opened this thread; my ignorance has been fought this day!