Why can't you be happy for gays today who can live outside the closet?

You’ve had an unsatisfying life in the closet, so why do you now speak out against gays who rejected the closet and yet have thrived?

Today, good things seem to be flowing to them. Can’t you be happy FOR them instead of being envious and resentful? Why must everyone else be miserable like you? Why can’t you leave people alone? Is the idea something like, "they’re gay like me - why do THEY get to be happy? I’m not! :mad: "

It really is a shame that as a young gay person, you felt it necessary to make painful compromises. Lots of people have felt like that and done the same thing. I’m sorry that you are so frustrated, and I hope you can stop hating yourself for being gay and find a happier life.

But as for me, I won’t go live in the closet like a meek little mouse. Society is changing now, looking at things in a different way, due in no small part to people NOT living in the closet. I am going to profite en ma vie.

[Well this is my “Bambi” rant - it started out as a strong rant, but ended up much milder than I wanted initially. Sigh. What a wimp I am.]

Could you describe what prompts this?

Well, he built his entire political career by nurtuting relationships with strong allies who happened to be anti-gay. He had ambitions and chose to make sacrifices like the rest of us.

Besides, George W. Bush is now the President of the United States. He would hijack his acareer before it peaked if he changed his position on the matter or came out now.

(Isn’t English delightfully vague and suggestive?!) :cool:

Sure - not that complicated - just a troll-who-shall-remain-unnamed who tries too hard to be an anti-gay Oscar Wilde.

I had a couple of really biting things to say, but couldn’t really fit them into the context of this particular thread.

[Pansy Division] He thinks he’s Oscar Wilde but he’s Paul Lynde [/PD]

I think it’s incumbent upon you to name names and link links. It’s like, the law or something.