You know who pulls this shit when they call my house? Scumbag tele-marketers or asshole sales people. Yeah, yeah, sorry if anyone reading this is a phone sales rep, yadda yadda, I’ve heard the rap. “We have to make a living too, you know!” Fine. Just don’t call me. If you must call, call me during regular M-F working hours, because for one thing, I won’t be home. How dare you call me at 9:00 on a Sunday night you ignorant prick.
I just love :rolleyes: getting these calls:
Me: “Hello?”
SP (sales prick): “Hi! Can I speak to Chris?”
Me: (big sigh) “This is Chris”
SP: “Hey, Chris, how’s it going?”
Me: (bigger sigh) “What are you selling?”
SP: “You know, Chris, many people don’t think about securing a burial plot until it’s too late, then their loved ones…”
Or, they call for Mrs Wolf:
Me: “Hello?”
SP: “Hi, is Kerry there?” (note the lack of identification on the caller’s part, and the inferred friendliness…of course)
Me: “No she’s not, can I take a message?”
SP: “When will she be home?” (listen, little pee-boy, I already said she wasn’t home and asked to take a message…)
Me: "I don’t know, who are you and what do you want?
SP: “Well, when would be a good time to call back?”
Me: “How about you put your supervisor on the…”
I can’t even go by the caller ID anymore, because “unknown” could be a friend on a cell phone or my mother from out-of-state who uses one of those 10-10 numbers.
If you’re selling something, don’t call me. Don’t worry, if I’m interested in buying I’ll call you. If you are someone I know, please don’t assume that I can identify your voice on the basis of one word. I’m not freakin’ Kreskin.
And worst of all is that cock-sucker who calls my house and doesn’t say anything, like some creepy bastard. I hang on and listen during 30 seconds of silence, then…CLICK. Fuck you, whoever you are. Go take a bath while watching a TV on your lap, and then sneeze.
Speaking as yet another Conan fan, all you phone freaks should exist solely “for me to poop on!!!”
::deep breathe::
Ahhhhhhhh. I feel better now, folks. Thanks for the rant.
Good topic, Lamia.