Why Close My Thread??

A couple hours ago I asked a question about obtaining pot in the USA. I was serious when I stated in my post that it was for intellectual exercise only.

Then, the thread was shut down by the administrator. I am relatively new here, and curious… why did the admin. do that?

Is it against the rules here to ask about illegal things?? I can see why slander or hate-induced speech would get shut down in here… but a question about buying pot??

Where can I read the SDMB policy sheet so that I know I am only posting about the things that Dopers (and/or the Chicago Reader’s attorneys) feel comfortable, warm and fuzzy reading about??

Seems pretty clear to me…

Um, dude.

If they close a thread, they generally have a good reason to. Drug threads, if they have anything to do with the use or acquisition thereof, are always closed. If you were asking about the precise physiological interactions that humans have when they take drugs, that’s something else entirely.

Also, this thread is in the wrong forum. It belongs in the Pit, or in ATMB.

And one more thing. Welcome. :slight_smile:

[mod hat on…[sub]wha? where’s my hat? hey! how come I don’t get a hat. oh yeah…[/sub]]

[Davy Crocket hat on]

This isn’t too difficult to figure out. You were asking about doing something illegal. That it was for “education” doesn’t make a difference. And whatever your view, or my view, or anyone’s view on the justification of pot use, it is just as illegal as slander, hate-speech, murder, and jaywalking.

And since this question is in GQ, instead of the pit where it belongs, methinks a jaunt over to FAQ might be beneficial.

Fear Itself–

You are correct! The message from the Administrator about my original post was quite clear! You have shown an excellent comprehension of the Administrator’s note, as well as a super-duper idea of clarity!

However, that has nothing to do with what I asked.

I asked why the admin. shut it down… the answer to that is NOT clear…

I asked where I could read a posting policy for the SDMB… that too remains, unclear.

And there remains a further, but heretofore unasked question… why?
PS-- just read the post from Airman Doors— thank you for offering a few basic, common-sense answers to my queries.

If you are too stupid to know why a thread on how best to obtain illegal drugs would be closed, than I fear that you possess too much ignorance to be eradicated by this website.

I could be wrong, of course. Please email TUBADIVA@aol.com regarding the continuance of your posting privileges.