Why did the Doper cross the road?

[li]I’m an atheist. I don’t “cross” anything.[/li][/ul]

Because he was a treacherous bastard.

Is it technically a road?

It would be physically impossible for a Doper of that stature and age to cross the road. You see, I have this paper towel tube …

It’s Rhode and they are usually crossed already.

Dammit, I came here to post exactly this. Well played, Ximenean, well played.

  1. Find a road.

  2. Cross the road.

  3. Hi Opal!

  4. Profit!

Because the Doper had agyrophilia.

In Soviet Russia, road crosses YOU!

A road crossing MMP

It’s legal, that’s all you need to worry about.

Dopers are on all sides of the road. Though more on the left side than the right side.

It is not really a road. In the case of* Fudd v Bunny* (1951) Justice Jones ruled that roads must have at least two lanes at least 8 feet wide with a shoulder at least four feet wide. The road in question has lanes 7 feet 11.5 inches wide, thus the contention that there was a road to cross is invalid.

There were ignorants on the other side, and our intrepid Doper was in a fighting mood.

Everyone knows the other side is cooler.

Like a pillow.

There was a store on the other side of the road with a sign that said


I happened to have some paint and a sharpie in the car. I could not help myself. It was night, and I didn’t think anyone would see me.

I wouldn’t say ‘cross’, exactly; it was more ‘contradict’.

Oooh. I like that. Subtle, until it hits you between the eyes.

Slight hijack: What is the difference between a road and a street?

Because ghost’s chill his fragile,egg shelled mind.