Why Did The Movie Amadeus Get an "R" Rating?

It’s been a while since I have seen it; and it’s far too long to watch it again just for that reason. Can anyone who has seen it lately tell me how this happened? And if so, where in the film does it occur?

PS In case you haven’t guessed, I was watching the Simpsons with my daughter today and the thought occurred to see if I could convince her to watch the movie; but it is listed as an “R” for Nudity on one of the websites. Is this just one discrete moment that be skipped through on a DVD?
Thanks in advance.

I haven’t watched the movie, but you could ask yourself, would a moment of nudity in a movie scar your daughter for life? (:

The movie as a whole has some nudity, but nothing that couldn’t be fast-forwarded through. However, there are some scenes with, shall we say, less-than-mature language and situations. (At the very beginning, there is a scene wherein Mozart is flirting with a young woman. He makes some potty-type jokes and it’s obvious he wants to sleep with her.)

However, there is no reason a mature child couldn’t watch the movie. It’s a very well-made movie, and Lord knows there’s lots that’s worse.


The original 1984 version was rated PG.

In 2002 a director’s cut was produced, which added some scenes, one of which featured Frau Mozart disrobing before Salieri, revealing her curvaceous form. This version was rated R.

Made no sense to me really, since “Titanic” got away with a PG-13 rating despite the nudity during the sketching scene.

The Office for Film and Broadcasting, of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, gave Amadeus an A-II rating: suitable for adults and adolescents.

IIRC, there was a brief shot of frontal male nudity in the asylum, which gets you an automatic R rating ( :rolleyes: ), I believe.

As MsRobyn mentioned, don’t let the rating get in the way of exposing your daughter to this brilliant movie.