Why did the news spell it Sezium (another try)

The server ate my post yesterday, so I’m giving this another shot.

On The Daily Show the other night, Jon Stewart had a really funny montage about the hysterical news coverage following the dirty bomb scare. In one clip some network was listing possible radioactive elements which could potentially be used in a dirty bomb. One was listed as “Sezium”, which I assumed was a corruption of C(a)esium. Is this a spelling anyone has ever seen before? Or did whichever news show just not bother to do any fact checking at all? I do realize they were probably trying to get this information out extremely quickly (part of what Stewart was making fun of, actually) and that your average journalist doesn’t have a periodic table handy, but this is a bit silly. Please tell me they’re right and I’m wrong.

Your average journalist ought to have Google handy, and should be able to find “Cesium” PDQ. I vote they’re idiots.

I have never once in my life read something that has to do with science written by a journalist that was correct.

Journalists are simply incapabale of reporting on scientific matters. It’s in their genes.

No one spells it like that. This page has spellings from around the world, and the closest is “Sezyum”, in Turkish.

Hijack: when I was taking chemistry classes in Naval Nuclear power school in 1981, the lieutenant teaching the class always pronounced it “Seize-me-um”.

It’s a fake news item on a comedy show. Somebody thought it would be funny. Probably a gag that was whooshed or bombed (not DIRTY bombed, just not ACTUALLY funny). My $.02