Why did they chang the Sunny Delight commercial?

Remember the commercial with a family on the beach with 2 kids, a boy and girl.
The boy is following his sister around holding his finger just about an inch away from her and repeating the words “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you” and the girl just looks annoyed. At the end the parents do the same “Im not touching you” thing to each other.
But now when I see that commercial they dubbed over the boys voice to make him say “Im not bugging you” instead of touching you.
Now the commercial doesn’t make that much since because of course he is bugging her that was the point.
Any facts or even good speculation on why they changed the commercial?

I’m thinking they did it because touching would be considered sexual harassment…which if I am right then I would have to say how dumb to ruin a perfectly good commercial over that.
I don’t think I am right but it’s all I can come up with, anybody have any guesses on why they changed the word from touching to bugging in the commercial?

Look, if this doesn’t prevent people from buying that crap, their marketing folks can do whatever they want.

Hell, they could redub the kid saying “I’m not putting my thumb up your butt… I’m not putting my thumb up your butt…I’m. Not. Putting my thumb up your butt!” and then have Industrial Light & Magic create a stunning effect in which her skin fell off in horrible chunks. People would still lap it up.

I mean, it’s Tang, but you don’t have to wash a spoon and a glass afterwards. How can they lose? :smiley:

For some reason, Sunny D is a big seller with the crackheads and junkies in Vancouver’s notorious Downtown East Side. I swear, 90% of the litter in that area is accounted for by equal parts paper plates from dollar slice stores, discarded syringes, and Sunny D containers, in ascending order of the products’ toxicity.

I was extremely disturbed by the “Sunny D” commercials that implied to parents that their children’s friends would think them “cool” for keeping Sunny Delight in the refrigerator. In fact, at least one commercial included the son’s friend actually saying the words, “Your mom’s cool!”

Because boring, uncool moms have juice and maybe a few juice drinks and nothing peternatually colored. Cool moms have neon-flavored drinks.

Hey, I hate both Tang and Sunny D, and would rather die of thirst than drink either, but they’re so different it’s not even funny. Sunny D tastes like orange flavored milk and it’s so thick that you practically have to chew it. Tang, on the other hand, just tastes like Citrucel. Blech.

No, I don’t know why I’m posting just to be contrary/nitpicky.

Hmmm… It’s been well over twenty years since I’ve tasted Tang, and the only time I ever tasted Sunny D was a decade or so ago when the product was introduced and they kept leaving bottles of it on your doorstep like they were AOL CDs.

One swallow. Bleaaargh.

I still maintain that they’re equivalent products in the sense that they have more in common with industrial solvents that citrus fruit, and rely on saturation marketing for survival.


That’s definitely true. I hope you don’t think I was seriously trying to be nitpicky.

Well, even if you were, it’s a valid enough nitpick.

I put gallons of Tang away when I was a kid, and I don’t seriously believe it’s entirely due to a more refined adult palate that my entire being rejected Sunny D as an intolerable affront to the very concept of imbibed fluids.

That stuff really is a whole new level of nasty.

NASA may have taken Tang into space as a clever marketing gimmick, but they ought to ship the world’s accumulated Sunny D out of the system altogether as a service to humanity.

The California Style Sunny D is seriously delish.

You know, seeing as my personal knowledge of Sunny D is limited to their initial product, remarkable litter, and what little marketing I’ve been peripherally exposed to, and that I had absolutely no idea of the existence of Sunny D varietals, I figured I’d visit the Sunny D website to try to fill in some of the lacunae.

Now I’m thoroughly convinced that they are relying on the services of an advertising firm that delights in sitting around in brainstorming sessions smoking hash and taking the piss out of the product, then forwarding the results to their client, giggling like fools when they blithely take their tongue-in-cheek work to the public:

Hey, I’ve walked along a few stretches of the California coastline, and I don’t doubt it. :slight_smile:

This is the clincher for me, though:

Hmmmm. What’s the best way to sell this yellow-orangey fluid? Uh… let’s compare it to something that gushes out of a dog! Perfect!

They may have the least-inspired movie tie-in ever, too.

(I’ll take you at your word about the tastiness of California style, Guin. I’m just bashing the D for fun/out of long habit and because their marketing style bugs me.)

I’m just young enough to have been target demographic when Sunny D hit the shelves. Stuff tastes like reconstituted ass milk. Even worse is when you leave it in the sun and it ferments. Then you take a big swig. AARRGGH!

Screw Sunny D. I want the ‘purple stuff’ all the supposedly ‘cool’ kids pass up. If anything, it probably has a FRACTION of the sodium Sunny D has. That stuff is practically orange flavored brine! :eek:

Well, hey, I’m not saying it’s the healthiest stuff in the world. Just that I happen to like it once in a while. But then, I also like Kool-Aid, and boxed mix stuffing, so perhaps my tastebuds are warped, or something.


Now you see the true power of the sunny side of the force.