Why do obese women all dress the same?

You know, this might be a valid question (though phrased in the worst possible way) coming from another poster. With scrambledasshole’s previous post history I can only say one thing:

Here is a list of just a few of the insightful questions he has asked in his very short history with us.

Are pet ferrets evil baby killers?
Where does abortion clinic “waste” go?
What is with the “teacup dog” mania?
Why do only old people like opera?
Why are people so obsessed with Star Trek?
Why do people like dogs so much?
Why do Mestizos in the US say “holmes” when it isn’t Spanish?
Why do Hindus eat butter if they won’t eat beef?
Why do so many kids earn liberal arts degrees when they aren’t marketable?

The question has been answered by several posters more eloquent than myself and I don’t want to tear into the OP because that would be giving him what he wants. From this point on, however, I won’t even bother to open threads by the OP. If I want to be pissed off by people with no grasp of tact I will watch Fox News.

Oh! So pretty, and cheap on-the-spot customised sizing and lengths and sleeve lengths, and, and… whimper

I think I love you right now.

Honey, that aint’ the half of it. We also have:
does pizza discrimination exist?
what exactly is “Game”, and why do you need it to pick up a girl?
can you eat “Seagull”?
What is that little “pour” channel on top of a washer machine for?

And my favorites:

How come when you open a hot oven, you see “lines” of air?

why aren’t big & tall people much smarter (because of bigger brains)?

I’m beginning to think he’s one of the Fritzl kids.


I had to join this thread, just had to, for a couple of reasons: 1) I like flame fests and 2) I wholeheartedly disagree with the OP.

I’m not going to list the reasons for why fat women wear the clothing they do; however, Cat Fight’s comment is spot-on. Women who are secure in themselves (or even those who aren’t) are not generally dressing up to please men, but to please themselves. So get over yourself.

I’m not obese. Thanks to Weight Watchers and a hell of a lot more self control than I ever thought I had, I’ve managed to get to the lower end of overweight. But, even when I was fatter, my primary concerns were:

  1. Looking well put together at work.
  2. Being able to afford looking well put together.
  3. Being able to wash my clothes (baby spit up doesn’t dry clean well).
  4. And being comfortable.

Most of my clothing choices were for me. (Though admittedly some were for my husband.) The point is that women shouldn’t have to dress a certain way to look nice for pigs who will assume that they’re slobs anyway because of their weight. And I have a theory: I’m guessing that the OP also doesn’t like thin, attractive women because he/she assumes they’re all bitches because they don’t all salivate over the thought of the OP getting into their pants.

Someone tried once…but the fabric costs were prohibitively large.


The SDMB is getting wiser. This is so obviously a troll trying to flame out spectacularly, but so far, it’s just sort of a damp fizzle. I approve.

No lie! Just a small selection of things I’m drooling over…





Well, I don’t mean to state that you can’t overcome obstacles, but the obstacles are there. I don’t consider myself a failure, but I’ve definitely had experiences where a company couldn’t wait to interview me, said it was nothing but a formality, loved my resume, etc… then I came in (very well-dressed and professional, I might add), noticed that everyone in the place was pretty much buff and hot, got the cold shoulder in the interview right from the start and never heard from them again.

Oh you’re priceless. :rolleyes:

This is not going to end well.

This, of course, did not stop the SDMB from sticking the knife into Guinastasia when she tried gently pitting it. You ask me, the SDMB is just becoming more of a wanker.

(This is not aimed at you, incidentally, just a general observation.)

BUT, feed a troll enough and then THEY get fat, perchance even obese, and then can find out exactly for themsevles the answer to their own question :smiley:

Nor do I, but admittedly I find many women of a larger build tend to really dig the short hair styles when styles like that rarely suit them, like the link in the OP.

Trust me, with threads like this, we always are aware of what we have become.

Crap. I googled them, and I got basically three types of responses: “I love them! Their stuff is always fabulous,” “Their fit is terrible even when you enter your measurements,” and “They’re a scam who took my money and never sent me my clothes!” Now I don’t know what the heck to do. :frowning:

But just think – if they’d fix themselves up a bit, they might land a prince like scrambledeggs.

Yikes! Baldwin, you’ve just given me one more reason to hug my husband when he gets home! :wink:

That’s not stupid at all. I’d even extend it to include drug addicts, prostitutes and all-around general fuck ups. Neither of us are saying ALL are the victims of sexual abuse, but I’d go along with a “very large percentage” (and no, I don’t have a cite either). Sexual abuse and abuse in general fucks up people’s psyches, which manifests itself in a myriad of ways. Some lucky ones become massive overachievers, some turn their self-loathing (brought on by the abuse, not because they deserve to loathe themselves) into self-destructive behavior. One of those behaviors is gaining weight. Weight gain among SOME (not saying all, so shut it) sexual abuse victims serves a 3-fold purpose: 1) eating comfort food is comforting on a much deeper level, 2) the abuse served to screw up their self-esteem, and 3) maybe if they’re fat, abusers won’t find them attractive and will leave them alone. I don’t even think any of this is conscious behavior. For the people who live these truths, they’re not actively thinking this way. It just bubbles up as part of the broken psyche brought on by the abuse.

If this doesn’t apply to you, wonderful, then we’re not talking about you. It’s certainly true for me, and many many other women I’ve known and read about.
Regarding clothes, yeah, go to the Kmart site and look at the Plus Size clothes. They’re uglier than sin, and yet people buy them because they’re cheap. I won’t, but then I’m a long, flowy skirts/pullover tops kind of person myself, and thank goodness I can wear that to work. I like patterned skirts, but most tops are ugly because they’re way too often in godawful loud patterns with sequins and stupid embroidery and crap. It’s depressing to shop for clothes.

I’m a fatty and I promise I don’t dress like that! I’m in my 20’s and I dress like I am. I am a little on the goth side of punk, so I dress that way. I actually bought a corset for a concert I just attended http://www.torrid.com/torrid/store/product_zoom_display.jsp?PRODUCT<>prd_id=845524442172496&FOLDER<>folder_id=2534374302030564&bmUID=1215104149980
I looked pretty cute, if I do say so myself…oh and my husband said so too!

Just for fun, imagine what scrambledeggs looks like. We know he’s not particularly good looking – guys with huge chips on their shoulders about overweight women are usually insecure about their own looks and ability to attract women, in my experience. Plus, most of their interaction with women is via internet porn, so they develop unrealistic expectations. Classic “Internet Male Syndrom”.

I’m guessing scrambled is shorter than average, a little scrawny and looks young for his age. Girls treat him like a younger brother, when they talk to him at all.

I’m very sorry to hear that those things happened to you. But I’d wager I know more fat people than you, and more to the point, I actually have a cite. Let me know if you need more of them.