Why do some sneezes stink?

Asking for a friend. As I understand, anything she sneezes on has a strange stink shortly afterwards. She asked me why this is and I have no idea other than possibly caused by foul stuff in the sinuses or lungs. I searched quickly on google and found nothing there. Any ideas as to what causes the odor?

She is jarring loose plaque from her teeth, and the foul-smelling saliva/plaque combination gets sprayed up into her nose where she can smell it.


Try licking your hand. Not a dry lick, but a saliva loaded lick. Let it sit for a minute, now smell. Not as funky as a juicy fart, but a little bit of funk if you get your nose right up to it. Mucus has odor.

Ah, thank you.

Plaquey tounges are the key.

Stinky sneezes can also be caused by the expulsion of tonsiliths.

I asked this question a while back because I’ve noticed that often when I experience a violent sneeze that occurs without much warning, it smells, well… not exactly unpleasant, but rather aromatic and musky.

Mangetout, it sounds like your sneezes smell like my balls.