Man I just finished a bag and I feel like Mick Jagger (all except not as ugly )
So why do your lips get all numb feeling after eating them?
Also I think the ones in the shell are better than the peeled ones. Ya’ll agree?
Man I just finished a bag and I feel like Mick Jagger (all except not as ugly )
So why do your lips get all numb feeling after eating them?
Also I think the ones in the shell are better than the peeled ones. Ya’ll agree?
Bill, admit it, you’re a salt freak. As Red Green says, “For men there are two food groups, meat and salt.” The next time you are scoffing your sunflower seeds pay close attention to all of the prehensile activity that your lips are going through.
In combination with all of the pressure on your lips while they position the seed for cracking between your teeth, there is also the abrasion caused by the irregular surface of the seeds themselves. Add to this the tremendous amount of salt on the seeds and your lips are going through a torture test. The salt leaches out the moisture from the labial surfaces while all of the pressure causes swelling. Finally, there is the occasional pinching of the lips by the teeth that merely aggravates the entire situation, mmm’kay?
Thanks Zenster! I guess you are right I am salt freak. I have always liked appetizers over deserts anyday.
First question: you finished off a bag. How big was the bag? If it was only 2-3 oz. you should not have such a violent reaction, but if it was a lb. bag, then I can understand.
2nd: it isn’t just men who crave salt. I’m addicted to sunflower seeds (WITH shell, thank you very much!) and can go through a pound or two in a couple days if I allow myself to do so. Lately I ration myself to only 3-4 oz. a day.
Incidentally, do you have a favorite brand/flavor? I’m not too picky, I’ll try 'em all, but David & Sons are pretty prime. I especially like the BBQ and Ranch. Also, they make a reduced sodium kind as well, the flavor is still great, just not as salty and doesn’t cause “Mick Jagger Mouth” as much.
Yeah i think so too. The ones out of the shell aren’t as entertaining as the ones in the shell… they’re too easy to eat. I’m not sure that makes any sense, but neither do a lot of other things