Why Does Congress Pussyfoot Around With Trump's Taxes?

Why didn’t the House subpoena Trump’s taxes instantly once the Democrats took control of the House? Why do they drag this out?

They did when they had a good damn reason, a good justification for the request. Scratch request, it was actually a demand that the IRS follow the law that allowed them to ask.

They don’t want to make Donnie mad. When he’s mad, he’s scawwy.

That’s all I got.

Unlike Trump and his ilk many of the Democrats feel shame if they are accused of not playing by the rules (and by rules I mean US federal law and the US constitution).

Basically they are playing football against a team that has a bear on the team and insists the bear is not only a legal player who’s not breaking any rules, but that it’s the greatest player ever. There are refs who call out the bear for illegal tackles and such, but many of the calls are overruled by the league commissionaire.

To stop playing by the rules seems to many like the thing to do, but the Democrats want there to be a game and rules in the future, and many of the Republicans want less game and less rules, so the Democrats are in a lose-lose situation unless they can keep plodding on using the rules and hope eventually the bear will become unacceptable to a sufficient number of republicans, refs and the league commissionaire.

Because the idea that the head of the House Judiciary Committee can demand to see anyone’s tax returns anytime he/she likes is not as much of an open-and-shut case as Dems would have us believe.

If the House issues the subpoena, it will wind up in federal court. If the court quashes the subpoena, the Dems will appeal; if it doesn’t, the GOP will appeal. Eventually it will wind up in the Supreme Court, after a year or two or three. The Dems are no more likely to succeed there as at any of the lower courts.

And, turnabout is fair play. The head of the Senate Judiciary committee is also supposedly able to request tax returns from anybody. And not just Presidential candidates and Presidents, either. For instance, donors to candidates, too.

Saying that it is a point of contention as to whether this is a ploy to embarrass the President is, IMO, putting it mildly.


Hey, Shodan!. Ever hear of Teapot Dome? Read a book or google it or something. It was quite the thing, back in the day!

No, Shodan is right. We should only enforce laws in cases where people are most likely to co-operate with them. And gosh, every effort must be made to keep from exposing Trump as a fraud and a criminal. How embarrassing would it be if that turned out to be true.

Pft, it’s not like Congress has sworn testimony from Trump’s lawyer that he’s been playing loose with a number of people, and his tax returns would show exactly that.

Y’know, the same lawyer that’s currently in prison for illegally paying hush money to a pornstar to keep quiet an affair he had just after his son was born. Because demanding morality from our politicians is only well and good when they’re Democrats, or something. It’s not like cheating is a Commandment or something.

But yeah, it’s just a chance to smear Trump. With crimes. Like a criminal.

Seems like a good thing to me. And even if you think it’s not, do you think donors to Republican candidates who fear their tax returns might be requested are going to appreciate Republicans starting revenge requests?

You know, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve pointed out this very thing on this board, I’d probably have 20, 25 cents by now. But this point goes right through Trump supporter’s heads with no understanding.

As a thought experiment, imagine that you’re a person to whom it matters whether the president of the United States is a corrupt criminal. Someone who would be extremely concerned by it, even if the president is a Republican.

But but but, Trump is not a criminal, because HE SAYS SO. And that’s good enough.


And Trump has been completely and fully exonerated, according to the person who Trump appointed to exonerate him. Just because the report specifically said that Trump was not exonerated is not proof of anything.

Also, it’s good if nobody sees the full report except the guy Trump hired to exonerate him. Because WITCH HUNT. Trump is not a criminal because the president cannot be indicted for criminal acts. QED

You see, this all makes sense to Trump supporters. You have to realize that trying to make him see it any other way is pointless.

And he put criminal evidence in his tax return? Which he probably barely saw, delegating that to staff. Who also know what’s there. And are remarkably silent in this age of anonymous tips.

Thank goodness it’s all, “Finished. Over. Completed.”

Yeah, you’re right. Unless he listed “illegal bribes” on his Schedule A and “money laundering” on line 21, there’s probably nothing useful to be learned.

And whoever heard of a career criminal being taken down for tax fraud, anyway? Trump is untouchable!

That’s already been answered - Michael Cohen, Fixer Extraordinaire, has said, under oath, that there are crimes in his tax returns. I know things move fast, but it’s been months.

Well played, if mildly inaccurate.

“This is not an issue on which there is any possibility of reasonable disagreement. Any well-informed person who disagrees either that the Ways and Means Committee has an obligation to demand Trump’s tax returns as part of fulfilling its oversight duties or that Trump is legally obliged to turn them over is either a partisan hack or contemptuous of the rule of law.”

  • Daniel Shaviro, law professor, New York University

The degree to which this is not an open-and-shut case is the degree to which our judiciary is hopelessly compromised to partisan ends. It is perhaps telling that Shodan doesn’t actually make an argument as to why this might not be an open-and-shut case. Then again, it’s not his job to think up sophistic arguments to defend the indefensible to cover for republicans, so I’ll let it slide. (That’s Bret Kavanaugh’s job.)

But but but, Trump’s a criminal, because YOU SAY SO. And that’s good enough.

You know, I thought that in America you had the principle of presumption of innocence. Or doesn’t that apply to people with an R after their name?

Tell me, have all the Democrat Senators and Representatives released their tax returns? If not, why not?

The view from 4000 miles away is that they’re just playing politics, keeping the issue bubbling. They don’t want push to come to shove. It’s win-win for them as they keep the issue bubbling and they follow the adage of never stopping your opponent when he’s making a mistake. Quite clever, really.

That kicks in once you’ve been arrested and charged with a crime. Let’s go there!