Why does it seem that Gen Y guys on TV are afraid of combs?


The majority of white guys under the age of 30 I see on TV apparently have developed combophobia.

Bad hair day? For everybody? Get your hair stuck in a food processor? Just had to try a Flow-bee and dozed off? Perhaps a weed wacker broke loose and attacked your head?

Comb your freakin’ hair!

Not Pit-worthy, but annoying nonetheless.

I can say as a 20 year old guy, I can’t even remember the last time I touched a comb or a brush. Reasons may include:
[li]It takes time and I’m lazy[/li][li]It puts my hair in “order” and it’s nicer in “chaos”[/li][li]Sometimes, it’s just too short to comb[/li][/ul]

Also, I’ve got a really bad picture of myself when I was 12 with a great combover thanks to my father, so that might’ve scarred me a bit. He thought it was a good idea.

Fortunately for me, if I have a fresh short haircut my hair pretty much falls into a low-maintenance style just on its own. Just pass the comb thru after washing it in the morning to untangle it.

I’m not too annoyed at the people walking the street with bed-hair, or looking like they just walked through a Force-4 gale. But I am totally baffled at those who affect that look by applying “styling product”() to their hair*. If you’re not going to style, should you not save your cash?
(*gel, mousse, tonic, whatever)

I was watching North by Northwest on TV the other day and I just marvelled at Cary Grant’s hair. I have the modern messy hairstyle by default. It isn’t intentionally bed-headesque, I just can’t imagine what else I’m supposed to do with it. Cary Grant had this magnificent double part with a perfectly coiffed central pompadour that looked like a gentle swell crashing on a tropical beach. Men’s hair has declined in the past few decades.

I slap some gel on the head when I get outta the shower. The front just sorta naturally sticks up, and the rest pokes forward in remarkably neat rows. The only time a comb gets near my hair is haircut time. Or, when I’m wrestling a rooster.

Some of us have beautiful, flowing flaxen locks that are the envy of all the girls in town, naturally. We don’t need your mortal “combs”.

Because neatly combed hair looks stupid. Not that there aren’t some stupid looking modern hair cuts around, but short and slightly messed-up hair beats a combed and coiffed helmet of hair hands-down.

(Besides, an addiction to the comb is unhealthy–witness those old coots with comb-overs.)

In other news, paint dries; bear poop found in woods; water runs downhill; and fashion trends change from time to time.

Just the style.
You prefer this? Or maybe this?

I am a Gen X (35 years old) guy, androgynous looking, with long black hair. I sure do not comb it each day either. Why? Firstly it is a hassle and quite painful given that my hair is very thick as well as being long, and secondly I prefer it a little wild looking.

Maybe because some of us Gen Y girls think it looks very good all messed up like they leave it?

I’m 30, and I haven’t used a comb in 15-- no, 17 years!

I used to finger comb my hair with a loose part until it started to go away. Now I thank my lucky stars that messy hair is stylish, because it hides the impending recession, much like a Bush-y budget.
Could I stick more puns in there :wink:

Because it doesn’t comb! I brush it a little when i get out of the shower but it just does its thing afterwards. The more I comb the puffyer it gets and gel looks stupid. Its like blaming a black man because his hair fros. Its great to live in an era where straight haired people can’t make us warp and pervert our hair to look like them. Down with buzzcuts and hair spray! I’m wavey, uncombable and proud.

I think bed-head on some guys looks freakin adorable. Not too many can carry off that look, but the ones who can…woo boy! I would have bed head myself but alas, my once thick and dark hair has become a thinning mess of salt and pepper.

Sit back, Friends, and hear my tale. I know that what i tell will be hard to believe. I know that, standing here before you now, i will not appear much in your eyes. My back is bent, my skin weathered and the clothes that hide my nakedness are little better than those of a beggar.

Yet i was not always this way - once i was a King, and this is my tale.

Many years ago I ruled a kingdom. The Kingdom of Myhair.

I took over the rule of Myhair very early in life. My father - the previous ruler - had ruled with an iron fist, but he had grown old, and tired of the responsibility and besides, even at that early age i was keen to take control of what i thought was my own domain. I desperately wanted to rule, and i envisioned myself taking Myhair into a bright and modern future. So when my father came to me and told me that he was abdicating - that the governance of Myhair now rested with me - i was overjoyed.

Within weeks of my coming to power i had begun to make changes. At first Myhair was reluctant to change, reluctant to leave behind the tried and trusted ways that had flourished under my father. I despaired as Myhair continued to try and conform to the old ways, and I was seemingly powerless to stop it.

I was at my wits end - then help came from unexpected source. Gel. Gel was the commander of my army, a slick character who controlled the army with remarkable hold. He suggested that maybe, through the delicate application of his powers, i could begin to assert my control over Myhair.

I readily agreed.

I was aware that, to some extent, i was oppressing Myhair - but i told myself that sometimes, harshness was necessary and that i would never let it go to far.

A wise man once said to me:

“Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.”

I should have listened.

Gel was a great success - Myhair to changed to exactly how i had wanted. Soon, however, i wanted more.

For years I inflicted terrible changes on Myhair and, when i met resistance, I relied more and more on Gel to enforce my will. Each time the resistance was overcome, and each time i became greedier for more change. Eventually, even Gel alone could not enforce my will anymore, so he introduced me to The Shaver.

The Shaver were his elite forces. They specialised in “removing” opposition within Myhair at root level. Soon, the Shaver too were carving through Myhair, enforcing my designs.

For two more years Myhair was subjected to the combined powers of Gel and The Shaver.

Finally, driven mad by power, i reached my final low. In my maddened state i decided that the very colour of Myhair was wrong and i embarked on a mission to change it.

The waters ran red. Much of Myhair dyed.

For one final, terrible, year Myhair suffered. Then, one day, i awoke to find a revolution in full swing. Myhair was revolting and - whilst through Gel and The Shaver I desperately tried to preserve control - it soon became apparent that I was losing the battle. Myhair had suffered enough, and it would suffer no more.

Within a month it was all over. I controlled Myhair no more. I could only watch, powerless as - victorious - the rebels declared Myhair a thing of the past. In its place now stood the Republic of BedHair - where all had the freedom to do as they wished, and where i no longer had any power.

So i stand before you now, Powerless. I rule Myhair no more. In its place is Bedhair - independent, democratic and proud. Only the Revolutionary leader Wax has any individual power there now - and even then not much. Even Wax can only guide Bedhair, not control it.

And so my story ends. I look back now and realise that everything that happened, happened for a reason - it happened because i got too greedy, too lustful for control. In a strange way i look to Bedhair now and am strangely proud. Proud that my Kingdom had the strength to stand up for itself.

So friends, If you could spare a coin to help this fallen man - this repentent ol’ gen Yer then i would be grateful. I seek no sympathy from you, citizens, for i deserve none. I ask only that you heed my tale - or one day you too may suffer the same fate.

Okay, okay, I give up!

So nowadays, no style is the style. Gotcha.

Then explain this.


Well, that’s Clay Aiken, brought to you by the same person that signed the Spice Girls. That should be enough explanation right there.

What did you think would happen when the spell turned Howdy Doody into a real boy?

The hot look now is the messy just-out-of-bed look. I must say, I’ve always liked low-maintenance hair on men. If it looks like it takes them longer than me to style their hair in the morning, then something weird is going on.
But styles change. In 10-15 years we’ll likely be back to neatly combed heads covered in glossy pommade.
Hijack - Can someone explain the “Gen X vs. Gen Y” thing to me? How do I know what I fall into? Are there more than X and Y?

I could very well be wrong here and if so someone will be by shortly to correct me, but this is as I understand it:

Gen X was a term coined a few decades ago (the 60s?) that basically meant “the current generation.” The people that grew up around the time the term was really popular identified it with their specific generation. Therefore, when a new generation came around and started calling themselves Gen X, they said No, no, we’re GenX, you can be Gen Y.

Both my brother and me spend a lot of our time mercilessly taking the piss out of each other for going to the salon to have our hair ‘expensively messed up’ but to be fair it really is the only style that suits me. Old school ‘coiffured’ hairstyles just look plain daft don’t they? Actually my hair is beyond just ‘messed up’ it incorporates a small mohican going from my crown to the opposite side of my forehead, a spiky ‘mulleted’ back and a weird smoothed down bit, I keep it this way because it looks fly and funky. As my Nan pointed out 'when you are young feel free to have bizarre hair ‘cos it can always be restyled or cut-off - just don’t get any tattoos’. Unfortunately I didn’t heed the second part of her advice! Basically I think that hairstyles change at a very quick rate so soon you’ll have nothing to worry about as we will probably have a revival of ‘bouffant’ seventies hairstyles complete with ‘lamb chop’ sideburns