Why does my cat love ME so much?

My cat, Blue (RIP) used to do that, too! She was a snuggle bug with either myself or my husband, but as soon as we were both in the room she would play aloof. It got to be a game of ours. My husband would call out from another room, “I’ve got a cat” and I could tell him, “not for long” and walk into the room. Boom! Cat jumps down, pretends neither of us exists.

Our current cat, Squirt, splits her time between us, but prefers it if we’re in the same room. I think she’s a bit more bonded to the Mister, if only because he works from home. She’ll walk all over him, settle on the sofa near him for a few minutes, then walk over to me, walk **over **me, then back to him. If either of us leave the house she wails & moans at the door for 15 minutes. There are definitely some separation anxiety issues. Kitty Prozac, anyone?

My cat is similar. She is always within 5 feet of me when I am at home. When I leave, she sits by the door for several minutes to see if I am coming back now. She sleeps on my chest under the covers. She talks to me. She constantly wants scritches.

Other people, just seem to be invisible to her. She tolerates some people (i.e. will stay in the same room with them) but only if she has known them a long time.

I accredit it to the fact that she was only about 6 weeks when I got her and that for the first few months of her life I was her only companion.

I honestly don’t analyze it too much. It’s just nice to be loved.

I’ve often thought about this. My mom lives with me, and we each have a cat.
Somehow, despite the fact Mom is the one who feeds the cats 3 out of 4 times, my cat has no confusion as to who he “belongs” to. He sleeps with me, looks at me when I talk, and will come with me when I tell him to (“Naptime, Vincent! Naptime!”).
I am friendly with her cat, but he is obviously attached to her.
We’ve speculated that it may be that our tone of voice is slightly different when we talk to “our” cat, and that is what the cat is responding to.
But who knows? :slight_smile:
(Sorry no pics; don’t have them saved online.)

Yes, this seems like common behavior. Both my cats (Ragdolls) are pretty much MY cats, but the female in particular is very enamored of me. The wife calls her my girlfriend. She is always following me around like a puppy. When I come home from anywhere she’s waiting for me at the door and talking a mile a minute. If I even stand outside the storm door where she can see me, she’s stretching herself up the window and meowing.

Then there’s the nightly TV-watching routine of using me as a couch/bed.

I love my cats so much :slight_smile:

One of our cats is a non-discriminatory cuddler and will cuddle everything and anyone. The other one is only happy when she can sleep on/next to me, for some reason. Leading to some pretty bizarre sleeping positions. Very occasionally, they’ll settle into an armistice and both sleep on me, but never on my SO.

I Love That Episode! Its One Of My Favorite Episodes Of That Show:D

OP, consider this. 3 cats live in my house: My stepcat Tigger, who belonged to the wife before we were married; the common-law cat Chiken, acquired primarily to show Tigger that all humans aren’t evil oppressors who need to be hissed at and attacked in the dark (it worked); and Skittles the mostly-dead stray runt the neighbor found under his shed.

They are all quite social and affectionate to the humans. Tigger now thinks I’m a swell guy but is still her mamma’s cat. Skittles could take or leave me, and Chicken has become my dog. I have no idea why he picked me, but I have to wonder if it’s because I picked him first. I mean, I’m nice to all the cats, but maybe a little extra nice to him. In return, he’s loving to everyone, but he will seek me out, stand in my lap, throw his arms around my neck and nuzzle me like crazy–nobody else gets that from him.