Why does my girlfriend spend so much time here

Of course not! Girlfriend found out he was posting, and now the poor bastard is chained up in her basement, being told to shut up or he’ll get the cattle prod again.

And I’m guessing TubaDiva, myself…

I feel proud and ashamed that I caught this reference. runs off

With pictures dammit!

I’d be eating popcorn right now if I could stand the stuff.

cracks open a can of beer

It’s definitely not me. All lower case is a deal breaker. I like a man who KNOWS how to type.

The stalker idea sounds plausible. Or maybe he has a split personality and only THINKS he has a girlfriend who posts here, but it’s really him? Or something like that.
(Would having a split personality count as a sock puppet?)

Tell him that maybe you’d spend more time doing other things if he didn’t ask so many questions :smiley:

If she don’t want you to talk to her, I don’t think she’s really your girlfriend. That sounds like a fuckbuddy to me. But then, I really like chili dogs.

I’ll bet you like Eggman, too. <GLARES>

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there!
And a damn good pun to boot!

I’m sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the band to come.

Does she KNOW she’s your girlfriend?

MPD is the reason I’m not sure that only having one account is fair. Most people who have multiple personalites don’t seem to realize it, so how can they be expected to share an account?

Clothahump, I think that you are his girlfriend, and if you are not, you should be. Should we vote on it? :slight_smile:

leedolee, shouldnt’ you check with her other boyfriends before you intrude into their online SDMB conversations?

I was just thinking maybe the OP is ***my ***boyfriend.

Maybe we should auction him off and use the funds for hamster food.

There is a possible shortcut for that plan…

The hamsters might catch something.

Ask Autolycus. :D:D:D

Any joke for which the explanation is “Ask Autolycus” is just going to keep whooshing me. Some things cannot be unlearned, and I have the impression Autolycus is a font of scary knowledge.

Don’t be frightened. He can serve you knowledge, one ladle full at a time…