Why does my indoor Cat have battle scars?

I have two, indoor, siamese attack cats and they have not been getting on so well in the past couple months. I posted about my adventures with the vet and how our female decided to hate the living guts of my male upon his return from the vet.
Well the saga continued and sometimes they are doing well, but others they are really fighting it out.

Our male has been puking a lot lately and this has naturally subsided -though he’s due for a vet visit in a couple weeks - but recently they have been waking up in the wee hours of the morning, fighting again… Well just recently we came home from work and Loki has some scars on his face…well… fresh scabs really, but definite marks.

Could the female be hitting him so hard as to draw blood I wonder? Seems obvious but I was wondering can cats get sores on thier face? If so what causes it aside from some kind of trauma?

Any Ideas?

I jad a siamese cat a long time ago, declawed and fixed. Boy could that bitch bite!

You betcha. Not that I guarantee that’s what causing his marks, but I’d say Occam’s Razor argues for it.

Have you tried those products like Feliway that purport to reduce aggression? Some folks swear by them, at least as a temporary fix.

My cats give each other battle scratches. The bridge of the nose is a favorite spot.
Provided the scratches aren’t deep or frequent, I let it go.

Some cats don’t get better once they’ve decided to hate their housemates for no good reason, like your female has done. Ask your vet for tips on reintroducing the male when you bring him back from his next visit. But, consider the possibility that the female may need to be in a single-cat house for the rest of her life.

Yeah, a lot of people think that declawing a cat will make it less aggressive. Just the opposite. The cat figures out that clawing doesn’t work, so it goes straight for biting.

A few ideas. Wounds like you describe are sometimes not primary wounds. When a cat gets bitten, the tiny puncture wound often seals immediately. A cellulitis/abcess occurs and days later the surface opens up and drains. Owners often believe that this wound is a primary lesion when it is not.

Self trauma to the head is common, especially if the cat has ear mites or a food allergy.

Also, sometimes Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex lesions are mistaken for wounds by people.

Facial lesions also are common with premolar tooth abcessation.

A few years ago we introduced an “active” young cat (Maine Coon) into the house and one of the two older cats had problems with that. We’ve been using a Feliway diffuser which has helped calm things down.