Why does my monitor beep in a faint, shrilling tone?

This has been happening to me on a few occasions. At first you think it’s in your head because it’s so faint, but then you realise it responds to colleagues bumping into the desk or when you go insane and hit anything nearby in desperation. It sort of stalls for a second and then goes back to that annoying, incessant beep.

Now it stopped. But I know it’s going to come back and haunt me. Soon. :frowning:

Anything you can do about this? Is the monitor getting old? Any danger of it exploding in my face? Help :eek:

I wouldn’t worry about it exploding. Most likely the sound is coming from the flyback transformer, which is a high-frequency, high-voltage component inside. Unfortunately, there’s not much to be done about it, short of replacing it. Since the sound is intermittent, it’s possible the flyback assembly, or a part of it, is simply loose and needs to be glued down, but unless you are familiar with servicing TVs and monitors, you shouldn’t open it, as there can be high voltage present even with the unit unplugged.

Probably worth linking this to this thread .


Aah, no worries then. Thanks alot people!

Amazing how helpful the SDMB folks are. Really.
