Why does my monitor keep losing text?

Sometimes when I’m reading here I’ll go from one page to another, and find that all italic text on the new page is gone - there are appropriately sized blanks where the words should be, but the only easy way to find out what it should say is to Quote the post and then read the quoted material in the post composition box.

At other times all text will disappear - all I’ll have is a page full of boxes, one for each post, with blue lines where the underscores for the links should be. This doesn’t necessarily happen when I am loading a new page; I can be in the middle of reading a sentence and suddenly have all the text disappear. I don’t recall having this happen while I was reading an individual post - it’s only when I’m looking at a menu page. The only way to correct this seems to be to close that window and then reopen the Dope in a new window.

These aren’t daily occurrences, but they happen two or three days a week, sometimes two or three times in one day.

Try another browser.

Have you uninstalled a lot of fonts?

I’ve seen the exact same thing, with about the same frequency. Sometimes closing my browser (Chrome) and reopening it clears it up.

Like Tangent, I’m using Chrome. I haven’t uninstalled anything.

Are you on Windows Vista? It’s been a known problem. I recommend checking to see how you can disable DirectWrite in your web browser, maybe even turn off hardware acceleration.

Come to think of it, it’s only happened for me on my old laptop, which as you guessed is still running Vista. Thanks for the info! I’ll try your suggestion when I get home.