Why does "the cheese stand alone"?

The others are apostates, and do not believe in cheeses.

Have you ever seen a cheese whiz? Leave wide berth.

Sir or Madam, there is no such thing as “cheese whiz.” There is, of course, “Cheez Whiz”, which has only a vague relationship to real cheese and which is a registered trademark of kraftfoods whose lawyers will be contacting you shortly.

As long as it has** no ** relationship to real whiz.

Ha ha ha! You win the thread!

Thanks, but I can’t really take credit for that one. Many above are funny and true originals.

If we are grilled, do we not melt? If left alone, do we not mold? I…am not…a lunchmeat!

“Blessed are the cheesemakers…?”

Well, cheese is lovely, this I know.

He couldn’t stand socializing at parties; all that small talk and idle cheddar…

The best frommage shoppe in the Holy Land is Cheeses of Nazareth.

'Cause Wisconsin tells us so?

All of you are (e)dam’d for eternity!

After everyone else is gone, the cheese-sticks around.

Let’s not forget that wind breaking work “Cheese & Rice Superstar”

(One more): Because he told everyone that he wanted to be provolone; guess they misunderstood.

(Please, someone stop me; this thread is more than I camembert)

I swiss I could think of some more gouda puns. But everyone else’s are feta than mine. I feel so bleu.

As the originator of this thread, and a Son of Wisconsin whose father was raised in a cheese factory, I take great pride in the response to this thread.

As a rational person, the puns are driving me mad.

Cheeses Friesekaas on a cracker, folks! Cut it out!


Want some cheese with that whine?


I feel like *Rick oughta * be involved in this thread.