I was just reading the New York Times and I saw a gigantic ad with the following text (which was cleverly formatted into the shape of a circle.) I quote, verbatim:
A mind is responsible for the traffic light, the blood bank, ice cream, peanut butter, the doorknob, the microphone, the elevator, clothes dryer, lawn mower, pacemaker, the typewriter, guided missile, mailbox, the air conditioner, automatic transmission, curtain rod, baby carriage, lawn sprinkler, fountain pen, dust pan, the hand stamp, first open-heart surgery, cataract laser, fire extinguisher, doorstop, home security camera, the golf tee, fire escape, potato chip, food preservation, synthesized cortisone, the guitar, railroad telegraphy, envelope seal, printing press, bicycle frame, rocket catapult, insect destroyer gun, ice cream scoop, window cleaner, laser fuels, folding chair, gas mask, mop, refrigerator, pressing comb, urinalysis machine, door lock, electric cutoff switch, telephone transmitter, stair-climbing wheelchair, hairbrush, egg beater, eye protector, electric lamp bulb, biscuit cutter, chamber commode, almanac, horse shoe, lunch pail, motor, lantern, key chain, furniture caster, ironing board, sugar-refining system, lemon squeezer, portable weighing scales, wrench, airplane propeller, ore bucket, steam boiler, spark plug, galoshes, casket-lowering device, clothes wringer, disrail car coupling, riding saddles, and so on and so on. The list is endless. Indeed, it’s time to stop and celebrate the fact that each and every one of the wonderful innovations mentioned here came from the mind. The mind of an African American. *
This is called “lying.”
How can they so egregiously throw out this complete bullshit? Some of the things they listed are either way too old or way too vague to even pin down one person who is “responsible for” them, as the text of the ad itself claimed. The MOP? The elevator, the lantern, the baby carriage, the fucking DOORSTOP? How could any one person even be claimed as being “responsible” for these “innovations,” let alone insisting that it was a black person? For Christ’s sake, one of the items listed up there is “motor.” Just “motor,” not any specific kind. An African-American mind is responsible for the motor? Really? Which particular African-American invented the motor? HORSE SHOE? Are you kidding me? There were African-Americans in Medieval Europe? The ALMANAC? Is this some kind of joke? Wikipedia says “The origin of the almanac can be traced back to ancient Babylonian astronomy.” How can something as old and as vague as “the almanac” be matter-of-factly stated to be the innovation of one specific mind, let alone the mind of an African-American? The lunch pail? The curtain rod? The golf tee? The fire extinguisher? Are they completely insane, or do they really think that people will believe them when they make the claim that “each and every one of the wonderful innovations mentioned here came from the mind. The mind of an African-American.”
I’m completely willing to accept that black inventors and engineers contributed to the development and advancement of the devices mentioned above, just as white inventors and inventors of every nationality and ethnicity in the world are always developing on-going improvements to already-existing devices. But to claim that any one mind is “responsible for” the things above? That is the most disingenuous and weaselly twisting around of logic.