Why invert bottle before opening?

This past Saturday, my (semi)local Carrefour started selling Bundaberg ginger beer, the non-alcohol type. on the label just above the brand name is smaller print: “Invert bottle before opening”. What purpose does that serve?

What does ‘invert bottle before opening’ mean?

The advice, ‘invert before opening’ is purely a suggestion. We recommend inverting – tipping upside down, all bottles before opening. This ensures that all naturally occuring sediment which can settle to the bottom of the bottle during transportation and storage is mixed throughout to deliver an optimal tasting product.

Makes it fizzyer when you open it? Some people expect that from a soda.

I recommend ignoring that advice. I tried it, and the beer all poured out as soon as I opened it.

Make sure you have a glass properly positioned.

I’m a fan of ginger beers and ales and try every kind I have come across. Ginger beers are naturally fermented and had a bit of sediment. This distributes it through the liquid. That’s what distinguishes them from ginger ale which has added carbonation. I’m sipping some Fever Tree Premium Ginger Ale as I sit here.

Or your mouth.

Hey, don’t blame them: The advice is good. It’s even worse if you invert the bottle after opening.

And be gentle - shake up a Bundaberg or stuff like kombucha, and you’ll have a mess.

The sediment idea seems most likely to me. It’s like Orangina – it has orange pulp in it – they recommend “gently” shaking it before opening. Of course, it’s not highly carbonated.

I had a keg of some local beer that was stored upside down, and they suggested waiting a bit after installing it so the sediment could work it’s way through.

Also to invert the keg after every so many days to keep it mixed (which I didn’t do because I’m lazy and it’s a bit awkward to get kegs in and out of the kegerator).

Oddly enough, this reminds me of a place my German friends and I would frequent in Manhheim, Germany. The keg in use was on the bar, and the bar (classic bar–actually a plank) was resting on a bunch of kegs. When the keg in use ran dry, the bar patrons would assist the bartender with changing it out by lifting the bar and helping put the new keg on top. It was kind of fun at the time. I wonder if the place is still there and doing the same thing. It was right across from City Hall.

Is that the one that comes in the little teeny bottle? Great stuff! Reminds me of something we had around here back in the day called “Tiger Ale.” It was made by a local soda company and it was super strong ginger ale just like that Fever Tree stuff. Of course, Canada Dry bought the company that made it and discontinued it.

It is sold in mixer sized bottles. I buy the full sized bottles when they are on sale.