It seems like people often equate “nice” weather with hot and sunny or hot and sticky weather. I personally like cool/cold air and clouds.
I’m with you on this one. Anything above 70°, and I feel like I’m dying.
Into every cold and rainy day, a little sun must fall.
Yeah, it’s bewildering. I’ve lived in Florida all my life and on some of these “gorgeous” days I still want to vomit from the heat.
The answer must lie in the old Romanian proverb: “'Tis easier to take clothes off than to put clothes on.”
Because being cold suuuuuuuuuucks.
Shivering and having to be layered a thousand times, its usually cloudy and windy when it’s cold and dreary and ew.
Let me be hot, sweaty, and in the sun and I am a happy puppy
I too do not like weather warmer than 70, but I can see the appeal of 70-80 degree weather for those who are not very active. If all you want to do is hang out by the pool or barbecue then it’s great. If your idea of a picnic is to play horseshoes or volleyball or throw the frisbee though, give me 65 degree weather and a light breeze (and a jacket I can put on if it gets too windy.)
I’m a native Southern Californian.
Now I live in Northwest Washington.
Just sayin’.
Because we evolved as a species naked, in the tropics…
…if you like spurious EvoSci answers, that is.
Because heat makes people feel and look sexy.
When the weather’s hot and sticky
Ain’t no time for dunkin’ dickie.
When the frost is on the ‘punkin’
That’s the time for dickie-dunkin’!’
When the weather’s hot and sultry
Is not the time to commit adultery…
If you lived in Canada like I do, where it’s cold 9 months of the year, you’d like hot weather.
45F is not hot weather.
ETA 7.2C
Thought of a more subtle reason: when we were kids Summer meant Freedom. No school. Sure, there was mowing the lawn (and others’ for spending money). But there was baseball, swimming, sleeping out, and all sorts of fun stuff. As we get older the memories remain to offset whatever discomfort the weather brings.
Besides, some of us can’t tell if it’s hot or cold outside as long as the AC/Heating is working as it should.
I’m with you, I can’t stand heat and humidity. It’s not sexy, it’s just draining and gross. If it’s cold you can always put more layers on. There’s no relief from heat unless you stay in air conditioning all day.
I live in Canada like you do and I hate the hot humid Montreal summers.
I can’t stand the heat, and it annoys me when the weather person insists on calling it a wonderful day when it’s 95° and humid, and yet when it’s nice and cool, the same person talks about it being a dreary day, or talks about bad weather.
“Hey girl, I saw you checking out my sweaty forehead. Bet your boyfriend doesn’t have pit stains this big…”
Same here. I sweat with the tiniest bit of humidity and heat. I hate it. My ideal climate is 50-60F. I do like seasons, though, so a brief foray into warmer temps is fine, I just don’t want 2+ months of it. And colder is fine by me.