Why is the Bush administration trying to cover up the 9/11 investigation?

They even want to make secret things already discussed in public. Is it as the article says…the coming election? Covering their asses?

Why not just release it all to the public?

Politics pure and simple.

IMHO. Or not.

Well, it they wanted to “cover it up” a “secret report” that dozens & dozens of people, including congressmen of both parties have read- would NOT be the way I would go about it. Sure there may be things they they don’t want to release to the General Public, but enough dudes have read it that there is nothing mysterious in there. So “cover up”? Come on now. :rolleyes:

Now, if the point is- we as the public have a “right to know”, then yes, you have a good point. But there is no wierd conspiracy thing going on here, even though it seems like you think there is.

It seems more likely to me that it says a lot of things like “give money to first responders” and “budget for air sensors in all major cities” that the administration hasn’t done, and won’t do, before 2004, so this would serve as political ammo for Democrats. “Why hasn’t Bush given badly-needed money to the heroes in your town?”

On a more conspiratorial note, I was listening to Talk of the Nation today on NPR, and someone called in saying they had video that proved 7 World Trade Center had collapsed in a controlled fashion before the south tower fell. One of the guests said wryly, “I think I hear a grassy knoll…” but the listener offered to e-mail the video to TOTN. I had to go to class then, but did anyone hear a follow-up? Or does anyone have any idea what this guy was talking about?

IMO, they are going to use 9-11 to try and re-elect Bush, and this report would show a few warning signs were ignored, throwing off Bush’s whole campaign strategy.

Well, I can think of a pretty important reason why they’d want to classify parts of the report, if not the whole thing:

It’s going to provide a run-down of what went wrong, and the steps necessary to prevent similar events from happening again. If the bad guys know what you’re planning on doing, they can take steps to circumvent the measures that you’re taking. If they know what kinds of things you screwed up on, they can gauge how effective your intelligence forces are.

So, while certain parts of the report should be made public (like the names of officials who should have spotted something, but didn’t), much of it should be kept secret for legitimate reasons.

Um, shouldn’t we wait for the administration to offer thier official bullshit reasons for suppressing the report before supporting them?

Or attacking them?

Oh god, that was the official laugh out loud moment for me for the day. Who knows. I really hope that things start to get ugly though. I have the feeling that Bush is feeling a little pressure nowadays with the lack of WMD, Falling Polls, Loosing Jobs, snooping 911 folks. Well, that’s what you get for being so secretive. Your mistakes go unnoticed until its too late. He’s gonna go down like Nixon I hope.

Who says I’m supporting them? I didn’t vote for Bush, and I won’t vote for him next year. I am saying that there’s a legitimate reason for some parts of the report to be classified. Remember, they ordered many of the Warren Report files sealed for fifty years and that was the murder of one man, 9/11 cost the lives of 3K people and had things gone slightly different, even more, so I’d say that it’s better if we kept some of our weaknesses hidden from potential enemies, rather than letting it all hang out.

okay, then why can’t the evidence be classified but allow the results to be presented in such a way that gave information about how to go forward without compromising security. But anyway, if we were concerned about terrorism, we wouldn’t be giving NY and CA the lowest per capita anti-terror funding nor would we be attacking Iraq. The results could be presented in such a way as, “yes there was negligence” or “no there wasn’t”

Hey, I never said Bush was smart! IAC, it’s MHO, that terrorists shot their wad on 9/11 and we’ll never see anything on that scale again from them.

Whatever. In any case, we have a “fools rush in” moment in progress. How pithy.

(Um, that wasn’t directed at you, Brutus)

I don’t care what your political persuasion is (and you’ve made yours quite clear); it’s pretty naive to wait for some kind of permission from above before engaging your brain. Obviously, more information helps us figure out what’s going on better, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get a head start with what we have.

If your post was merely a joking reply to squeegee’s joking remark, then nevermind.

I’d have to agree that the report contains political embarrassments that the Bush admin wants to avoid.

As for the conspiratorial aspect, I never heard the radio show but I have seen a video of the WTC 7 collapse. It sure looks like a controlled demolition. Hell, the twin towers fell straight down into their footprints as well, which always seemed super-weird to me considering the nature of the incident. See the videos for yourself. The WTC 7 collapse video is near the bottom of the page. It is preceded by footage of the twin towers collapses.


The article itself states rather clearly the motivations.

So we know why Graham wants to publicize it, and the Bush administration does not.

As has been mentioned, politics as usual.


Falling polls? 77 percent approval rating, up from 69 last week?

How much time elapsed between the attack and the collapse?

8:46 a.m. - American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the North
Tower at the World Trade Center.
9:03 a.m. - United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the South
Tower at the World Trade Center.
10:05 a.m. - The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.
10:28 a.m. - The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.

That would be some pretty fast decision making, planning, bringing up of the needed explosives, installing them and setting the charges.

IOW Total Bull.

Now Latro, you and I both know that these explosive charges were all set by NSA commandos weeks before the planes crashed into the buildings.

Of course terrorists were not flying the planes, kamikaze USAF pilots loyal to the cause were actually at the controls to insure that the planes hit at the correct level so the demolition explosions would not be evident in the 1000s of video replays of the collapses.

What they are trying to REALLY cover up was the mission to remove the demolition explosives from the secret location where the fourth plane was to have impacted, but those pesky civilians fouled the works by scrubbing that mission.

That’s what I heard. :wink: