I have a DSL, and 9 times out of 10 if a site is slow the problems on the other end.
Why is the SD message board so often slow as Christmas? Cant you guys afford a decent server? I though you were, you know, famous and stuff!
I have a DSL, and 9 times out of 10 if a site is slow the problems on the other end.
Why is the SD message board so often slow as Christmas? Cant you guys afford a decent server? I though you were, you know, famous and stuff!
Yeah, but we’re 'umble, too.
Hey! Your name is “Nick Danger” spelled backwards!
Notice the lack of any sort of earnest attempt to make money around here? It’s free, and there’s like one ad on the main Straight Dope page. Not enough to support a server that can scream at peak traffic around here. We’re a victim of our own success.
Yes, it is Nick Danger spelled backwards. Its the way I read it while listening to the endless staccato of raindrops on my desktop.
This server is embarassingly slow I would think. Its one of the slowest Ive experienced. And money or no, this is the message board for the website of the worlds smartest human being if Im not mistaken. Theres something not right here.
Because it’s the best damn message board there is. And thus incredibly popular. Popularity breeds sloth.
I’m afraid all our friends are correct – we’re a victim of our own success.
Your best bet is to try to sign on when it’s not so busy. At the worst of it, I was setting an alarm and getting up in the middle of the night. Hopefully you won’t have to do that.
your humble TubaDiva
aimless off-topic clutter also breeds sloth
…as indeed does double posting.
I removed the extra post.
your humble TubaDiva
But left the aimless, off-topic clutter…
Crap, now I’ve added to it.
I dunno. I’ve found it to be running as fast as a hen with its backside on fire(courtesy of
Dan Rather)lately.
Is it different becasue i am on a public library computer?
male and female sloths also breed sloth
No, it’s because it’s Saturday. You’ll find the board works very quickly on Sundays, too.
It’s because the SDMB server is powered by a seventy-four year old man riding a bicycle in an underground, dirt-walled tunnel in the jungle about fifty clicks north of Saigon.
Actually, it’s not quite off topic, is it?
This board is popular. A lot of people come here, and each takes up his/her own bandwidth. It goes slower because of the traffic.
shrugs Just my $.02