Why is the Mohawk style haircut not considered cultural appropriation?

Seems to be a missed woke opportunity to get dozens of CEOs to do a walk of shame from bad haircuts from the 80s. Why is this not a thing?

There is not strong evidence that the Mohawk hairstyle was appropriated from any particular culture. Even if it was it is not clearly defined what makes something with the status of ‘Cultural Appropriation’ a ‘thing’. I think this question is better suited for a different forum.

Especially with the comment in the OP about “woke”.

Also, when I think of that hair style, I think of Travis Bickel from taxi driver who was almost certainly a conservative Reagan era fascist.

Because you aren’t trying hard enough. To be a thing, you’ve got to make it into one.

Yeah, that dirtied an already tainted OP to the point that I lost faith in it entirely.

Yep, ironically “woke” has itself been appropriated, as it only seems to be used now by the people complaining about it (often pre-emptively, like the OP). It’s the new “political correctness”.

This isn’t the correct forum for this thread. As it currently stands, I don’t think there is a correct forum for this thread. This thread is closed. If you want to re-start it without a poisoned well, then do so in IMHO. If you want to re-start it with the poisoned well, then do so in the BBQ Pit.