I mean, every brand of “erectile dysfunction” remedies are plugged on TV, why not condoms? Is there some prejudice against thes products? Or are the condom mfgs scared about attacks from the fundie nuts?
I just don’t get it-you see some old guy leering at his wife, while the sound track blares/…“when the time is right”…then “Call a physician if erections lasting longer than 4 hours result” :smack:
Maybe you’re watching the wrong programs? I’ve seen condom ads on MTV. It could be the demographic. Guys more likely to be watching football or the evening news are probably a bit older, and married. Those watching MTV are going to be single and more promiscuous (not to generalize or anything).
Trojan advertises on basic cable. Their current ad campaign features a bar full of women talking to pigs. One of the pigs goes to the restroom and buys a Trojan, and is transformed into a human being.
I came to mention that commercial. Look it up on youtube–it’s a really, really catchy tune that is being sung.
And before that, Trojan had its “TROJAN MAAAN!” campaign, where a couple was about to get it on when a guy on a horse rode up and gave them a condom.
I also vaguely remember ones for Lifestyles, or something like that, that had less memorable commercials.
Lifestyles commercial. Most of the comments indicate that the people watching didn’t get it but it makes perfect sense to me!
Be forwarned, it is loud! It is safe for work, but please turn down the volume!
Because by the time I realize I need a condom I’m no longer watching TV?
What are you talking about? I see condoms advertised on TV ALLLL the time.
There was actually some controversy about this when Trojan release that “pig” ad. Both Fox and CBS refused to show it. Apparently because:
“Some networks draw a strong line between messages about disease prevention — which may be allowed — and those about pregnancy prevention, which may be considered controversial for religious and moral reasons.”
I assume the OP is not in the United States, where condom ads on TV are quite common.
Where are you located?
(Family Guy) Hey Dad! why does this machine sell balloons? (Family Guy)
At least, I think it was family guy.
An amazingly dubious commercial, because the guy in question, even after he de-Circes himself, still looks like a loser fashion refugee from the 1970’s. Even if the competition are all barnyard animals, I have a hard time imagine him getting lucky with the woman in question who is something like an 11 or 12 on a scale of 10.
I got it right away, pretty funny commercial.
Though, for the purposes of a Thread asking about condom ads on TV, I’ll ask if anyone knows if that was an American TV ad or a European TV ad- the OP leaves “location” blank, this is one of those topics for which location may be relevant.
Just has the “feel” of a European ad to me. I’ll note that I see Trojans ads on (American) TV all the time but I’ve never seen a Lifestyles ad.
Sheik used to advertise on TV. I really liked their tagline:
“SHEIK. Get some.”
American. That poster is located in NYC. I’ve seen condom ads on TV, including ads for New York City Health Department branded condoms with the slogan “Get some.”
ETA: Seeing Max Torque’s post, I guess NYC stole it from Sheik.
You mean gets a Circe-mcimsion?
I never understood her reaction - as far as she knows, they guy just went to the bathroom and came back. Ooooh, sexy…
I see them on British TV all the time, a lot of them are public health commercials paid for by the government (condoms are ‘cool’, etc), although there are many for particular products too.
I remember in Lethal Weapon 2, Murtaghs daughter starred in a commercial for condoms, and all the guys at the precinct took the piss out of him. Even Riggs tried to calm them down, but it went “in one ear and out the rubber”.
Uh huh. Makes sense.
Yesterday I saw two ads in a row, one for Viagra and one for an “enhancement” pill. On the next episode of the show I saw, the same ads ran. In fact, every episode I’ve seen had those ads, IIRC.
The show? Brady Bunch reruns.
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!