Why no hate speech allowed here?

I thought we’re here to have a bit of fun, call people names, argue, brag, nitpick spelling, get sympathy, whine, display outrage and post photos of cats.

Well, yeah, all that, too. :wink:

Spare me the Psycho babble ,I’M AN INDIVIDUAL,I’LL LEARN WHATEVER I CHOOSE TO LEARN MINE FUHRHER,not what little Hitlers like yourself would prefer me to learn,attack the message not the presentation ,but you can’t can you ?

When attacked by the politically correct brigade everyone else is supposed to lie down and die ,either that or apologise for holding any contrary opinions cos by just DARING to disagree with the politically correct line we MUST be racists ,sexists,reactionaries but most probably fascists.

Well sweetheart I’m NOT a racist ,sexist ,fascist or any other “ist” and the “sweetheart” bit was intentionally patronising and I hope you are getting really wound up.

I am thinking of nipping over to the U.S. to get myself a P.H.D in the summer as I’ve got a couple of weeks leave coming,lets face it !if you can get one then my next door neighbours 5 yearold wouldn’t have a lot of difficulty getting one ,and I think it could come in useful for keeping tea stains off of the table.

I am still waiting for something approxamating a logical refutation of the point I made in my origianal post .

Are you using your mums screen name or something?or are you a cleaner at the uni.? who’s found a puter left on? I really cant believe that you’re an adult and Iswear that I’m not saying that to be insulting.

I’m glad you got that off your chest, although I don’t recall ever posting on the topic of Mr. Marvin’s participation in that film.

Yeah, but we like it and think it’s funny.

Ok, please take any hate speech directed at you, personally.

*You’re * trying to be patronising to me? Kid, I’m about to turn 47. I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (and the scars). You’re the one who has the attitude, and the language skills, of a pre-adolescent.
I would refute your point, but you don’t have one.
I would address your argument, but, again, you don’t have one.
Where did I say I have a PhD? “Dr. Rieux” is what we call a “screen name.” It is actually a literary reference, which you might know if you had ever read a book you didn’t have to color first. (In real life, I am finishing up a BA in English and I work as a writing tutor at a community college.)
You’ll “learn what ever you choose to learn”? People like you rarely learn anything. You’re not just ignorant, you’re also stupid. And as that latter-day prophet, Ron White, has said, “You can’t fix stupid.”

Here’s a report that presents a demographic breakdown of hate crimes by ethnicity. You’ll note that in 2004 anti-white hate crimes were about 1/3 as common as anti-black hate crimes.

Here’s another report about hate speech in American high schools. You’ll note that in 2003 white students reported being the target of hate speech about two-third as often as black students.

Right now here in Los Angeles there’s a high profile trial going on involving a group of black teenagers accused of committing a hate crime against three white women.

Clearly the people in charge of tracking and prosecuting such things recognize that anti-white hate crimes exist and are real.

Add Telemarketers to Rednecks and White Males in the “Free Fire Zone”.

Though that is more “what they do” than “what they are”.

{I think I actually got some spittle on me}
You had to go and Godwinize the thread, didn’t you?

We have a rule against trolling on the Dope (posting for the sole purpose of provoking).

You post something approximating a logical argument, and chances are very good you’ll get a logical refutation here, because if nothing else, Dopers love to argue. (I see that Pochacco has stepped up anyway, in spite of your first post being simply a snippet of a contentious opinion, rather than an actual argument.)

Oh sorry so the “dr” bit was just a bit of self promoting bullshit and “kid” I am five years older then you in life years and quite a bit older then you in experience of the world ,intelligence and erudition (look it up and then pretend you knew what it meant all along)

Why dont you get some of your friends to post some P.C. apologist bullshit to try and distract peoples attention from your total lack of any case.

Now ,I’ll take this very slowly,and use simple words that even YOU can understand
,TELL ME ,with me so far?WHAT YOUR ARGUMENT IS TO REFUTE MY ORIGINAL POSTING,simple enogh for you?Why dont you get a 5 year old to explain it to you if you’re having difficulty comprehending words of over three(thats 3) letters,

So far all we’ve had from you is big mouthing ,abuse ,slipping and sliding ,evasion ,self pity and irrelevancies .


I cant actually put it in terms simpler then that,if you’ve suffered major brain damage then I
apologise ,otherwise you gutless little coward at least make some sort of effort to justify your position instead of posting irrelevancies,evasionsand bullshit.
How someone as pathetic and ignorant as you has the nerve to post on ANY topic
beats me ,I genuinlly think that you’re a kid posting under a grownups screen name but I am doing you the courtesy of responding to your posts just in case you actually ARE an immature,ignorant adult of restricted intelligence .

Now ,spare me the insults ,when or if you respond just tell me your reasons for disagreeing with the point of my original post .
And dont get your stooges Dildo and Dickhead to put their sad ,whiny little irrelevancies on the board to take the heat off of you ,be brave and say something approxomating a relevant point yourself under your own name .

Dr.!!! I think I’ll start calling myself Archbishop of Canterbury,you really are a dickhead !

Their seems to be a deafening silence from “DR.”(oh my god )rieux,well I work for a living ,its late over here and I have to get up in the morning.
Why dont you wait until I’m safely out of the way and then bigmouth it,that seems to be just about your style .

my god you really are gutless.

Dr. Rieux gutless? You are pathetic, **Pochacco ** already answered your weak request, but you think it is ok to be gutless and not reply to that.

Oh great. Another one of those who thinks that becoming a telemarketer is a “choice.” :wink:

Well, not really. The “white” part isn’t really what the insult is aimed at; they’re not being called names because they’re white, but because they’re “trash.” It’s an old term, and was meant to denigrate people who had been born with advantages–well at least one advantage; they were white–but who still lived like poor black people. The “white” is merely to distinguish. The “trash” part, on the other hand, addresses the targeted person’s lifestyle choices, to use another loaded phrase. So yeah, it’s an insult, but not, IMO, “hate speech.”

Add to the above distinction the fact that verbal attacks on those “in power” from those less powerful are not the same thing as the vice or the versa. Which is why I call bullshit on the whole “poor white male” whining in this thread.

I love it! That’s that’s the Newspeak answer around here. “White” does not mean “white.” Never mind that it, you know, does. And that only whites are referred to that way.

They are being singled out because of their color, and denigrated on that basis. To use your words, not what they do, but what they are.

“Nigger” is an old term, and was not hate speech at first. What matters is how it is used now.

To claim that whining is going on is to beg the question. It is only whining if you are right about it not being hate speech.

Um, I hear *white *people use the term “white trash” far more than I hear black people use it. And it is *solely *a denigration of class, not of race.

When the only one who publicly agrees with you is David Duke, it’s time to rethink your position.

Messed up the link.

You only waited five minutes before posting this? What are you, six? This isn’t a chatroom.