Why not an Eartha Kitt Day?

“Straight Dope” Webmaster and to the teeming millions I have a factual question for you and I will include an embed witha fantastic interview. Why won’t South Carolina honor Ms. Eartha Kitt with a day in her honor? I could offer my defense but please click on this embed found on YOU Tube or just go to YOU Tube type in eartha kitt interview look for the one about how in 1968 she was invited to Washington DC and the rest is history her next 10 yrs were her worse in United States history et al being surveilled by the CIA and so on. Watch and listen to her interview and then tell me shouldn’t we have a Eartha Kitt Day here in South Carolina especially in the capital Columbia SC. You can reach me through the “Straight Dope” board or rice392000@yahoo.com or chip1961@gmail.com

Ms. Kitt was born in NORTH SC but her residence was in Weston CT

Somerhow, I think this question is better suited to IMHO, rather than General Questions. Moved.

samclem Moderator, General Questions

–who likes listening to Ertha Kitt

What a puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrfect idea.

If you feel that strongly about South Carolina honoring Eartha Kitt, I suggest you contact your state representative and ask him to introduce a resolution to honor her. That’s really the only way it’ll happen.


Is the South Carolina legislature refusing to honor Miss Kitt, or has it just not occurred to them? And aren’t such “celebrity days” usually done while the honoree is still alive?

Great idea. How about April 22nd?