I think it is time for insults referring to cognitive or learning, such as “stupid,” “idiot,” “dumb,” etc. to be retired as insults, IMHO.
It is denigrating to people with learning disabilities or a low IQ even if the people being insulted aren’t themselves “dumb.” And these insults are used by people across a broad spectrum of backgrounds and political views; liberals, in my experience, are just as likely as conservatives to use “stupid” or “dumb” as insults.
Now, someone may object, *"But some people **are *stupid!" - Yes, no doubt, but some people are fat or gay, too, and I think we can agree that using the terms “fat” or “gay” as insults would be inappropriate. Just because someone *is *something, doesn’t make using that something as an insult, appropriate.
Furthermore, intelligence - or lack of intelligence - is something that many people are born with. To mock someone for lack of intelligence is to mock them for a trait they were born with.
And there is already a precedent for this. Similar insults such as “retarded” are already frowned upon and on the way out, so why should insults like “stupid” or “idiot” not be equally disapproved of as well? It is not a big jump to go from having “retarded” retired as an insult, to having “stupid” retired as an insult likewise.
(Someone might reply to this thread with, “This thread is stupid,” but that’s a pretty easily anticipated reply.)