Why was my Shark Jump Message Board thread closed?

Marley23 – I’d like to ask why my** Shark Jump Message Board **thread was closed. The explanation you gave in the thread was:

But clearly that’s not what my thread was about.

My thread, as you surely know, was about referring to the SDMB as the Shark Jump Message Board; an apt moniker to be sure. I put it in the Pit because it seemed like the place to put it. Gfactor came by and moved it to MPSIMS which was fine with me.

I referred, obliquely, to the message board where I originally suggested the idea but I never mentioned it by name. Another poster did mention it by name but I have no control over that. But more importantly, my thread was not about suggesting alternate message boards for Dopers.

I request that you open the thread back up again. Failing that, can you suggest exactly what I am and am not allowed to say in the new thread I start about the Shark Jump Message Board being an apt name for this place? I don’t want that thread closed too, so I ask for your guidance. Any suggestion about which forum I should put it in will be appreciated also.

It is a little confusing, just now, about what is and isn’t allowed on this Board. In my new thread I won’t mention any other message boards by name, but I may mention that I originally posted it “somewhere else on the internet.”

Thanks for your help.****

I stand by my explanation, and no, I don’t intend to unlock the thread. That aside, you made the joke on another board and we’ve never allowed that kind of cross-board posting.

OK. So if I just leave out mention of the fact that I posted it on another board, is it alright with you if I share my little joke with others here? Does it matter if it’s not funny? Or is “Shark Jump Message Board” one of the new phrases that can not be uttered here? And if so, can you direct me to where It Is Written that it is forbidden? Also, which forum should I put it in?

Thanks for your help.

Critiques of the board go in ATMB. Mentioning the names of other boards is not forbidden, although I know people have picked up that impression sometimes.

OK, just to be clear: I am free to post the term “Shark Jump Message Board” and talk about how much I tickle myself to death with it on this Board, right?

Your explanation was completely off-base and had nothing to do with the aim of the thread. Can’t you just admit that you were dead wrong?

Ah, now that you put it that way… No, you’re not. There’s no correct forum for threads about the SDMB that you made on other boards. Surely there are enough people guffawing merrily on the other board, right?

Forget that it was made on another board. Can the “Shark Jump Message Board” be uttered on this board or is it censored because it is abusive (or whatever)? Look-- you closed the original thread because you didn’t like the fact that another message board was mentioned. What about if that other, dastardly board is not mentioned? Then can I have my freedom of speech back (if it non-abusive, of course)?

If someone made a comment that roasted garlic was useful bait for catching trout on a fishing message board would they not be allowed to share that information on the SDMB?

Just how far through the Looking-Glass ARE you guys? You see, this is not a criticism of the SDMB per se-- it is just a joke.

I’m not proscribing individual words and phrases here. If you started any thread just to mock the board, ATMB would be the correct forum for it and the mods in this forum would decide what to do with it. So if you started a thread in MPSIMS I’d move it or lock it depending on the content and what else was being discussed in MPSIMS at the time.

I am not a government and cannot take away your freedom of speech.

:confused: What does this mean?

He suggested I, or the board rules, took his freedom of speech, referencing the First Amendment. Except the First Amendment applies to the government; this board is governed by the registration agreement I Love Me, Vol. I read and agreed to abide by when he began posting here.

So you’re seriously saying that what made the thread intolerable was the inclusion of some phrase similar to "On another board I said . . . "? Am I right in that impression?

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Presumably, that the OP is free to go about yelling about how witty she is regardless of what Marley does. Which she is.

Because it was lame.

You’re not, as I’ve explained in the rest of this thread. It’s true that we don’t allow people to cross-post like that, though. This isn’t a new policy at all.

This is the kind of thing that pisses people off. This ain’t a GQ thread on the scope of the First Amendment. Guy was trying to make a point, perhaps less than artfully, and you have to get all snarky about it.

Oh…wait…let me save you the trouble. I’m sure I am both wrong and incorrect, and that you were obviously not being snarky in the least. That is what you’re about to post, isn’t it?

Lame joke, lame thread. It was a mercy killing, folks.

Sorry I offended again, Oakminster, although I’m confused about why you’re quoting this part of the post and not the parts of the other four posts where I answered I Love Me, Vol. I’s questions in detail. Further, what I said was not sarcasm, it was perspective.

Still not clear. What are you trying to give us perspective about?

Just pointing out to I Love Me, Vol. I that I did not take away his freedom of speech by locking his thread, or with any other board policy.

See–the point isn’t about how lame the joke was. As far as I know, there are no rules against posting lame jokes.

What I’m trying to understand is this whole “cross-posting” thing. If I once made a joke about G.W. Bush, for example, on some other web-site, am I not allowed to tell that same joke here?

Am I really the first person who has offered an opinion on a message board somewhere else (for example: “the moon landing was a hoax”, or “I like kittens”) and then also made the same comment on the SDMB? Does everything that anyone ever says on the SDMB have to be the World Premiere of that comment? I’m sorry that I am so dim-witted about this, but I really don’t understand it.

And as I have asked you before, Marley23 under what circumstances am I allowed to post about the “Shark Jump Message Board” on this board? I assumed that if I started a new thread about it where I didn’t mention anything about it having ever been posted on another board that that was kosher. You still haven’t answered whether I can write the phrase “SJMB” anywhere on this board or whether it is strictly forbidden. Could you enlighten me on that please? Can you link to the exact part of the TOS that I violated, too?

I wouldn’t mind getting a second opinion from another moderator, as well.