I just read all four of his/her posts. Can’t see any reason to ban someone. What was the problem?
Check this thread for a likely explanation.
Excuse my ignorance, but other than footwear what is a sock?
First, you don’t see all there is to see. If someone had four inoffensive posts and ten spam posts that led to a porno site, you wouldn’t see the spam-- it would be “disappeared” along with the poster.
Second, we’ve said several times, we will post the reason when a long-time (or reasonably so) poster is banned.
We will not post reasons for sock puppets, banned persons trying to sneak back in, or spammers – we don’t want them to have more publicity. The publicity is what they want. If they don’t get it, maybe they’ll go away and leave us alone. (A “sock” or “sock puppet” is someone using multiple user names, which is a violation of our registration agreement and a violation of the concept of community.)
In short, when soemone is banned, PLEASE WAIT a couple of days before asking. If you don’t see a thread in this forum with explanation, then the person was either a sock puppet, a spammer, or a banned person trying to sneak back in. OK?
If you’re dying of curiosity and really MUST know or you won’t be able to sleep nights, then email a Moderator. We’ll be happy to tell you offline.
At present, we have one jerk who was banned for cause, who is trying to sneak back in under an assortment of different names. Please, please, don’t give him the public attention that he’s craving by asking about each one of the roiughly half a dozen times he’s tried.