Wicked temptations

I live about an hour and a half from Colorado Springs, where Focus on the Family is headquartered.

I am SO tempted to go and take the tour while wearing a Spongebob Squarepants t-shirt.

Does this make me a terrible person?

No, no, I think it makes you a wonderfully wicked person…in a good way, of course. Go for it…I’d do it if I weren’t out here in Indiana!

Do it and take a friend. Have the first wear a Bert and Ernie shirt for, ya’know, that clasic look.

[Ben Stiller]Do it. Dooo it![/BS]

[Beavis & Butthead]
Yeah yeah!!! Do it! Do it!!! Yeah…ehehehehhe!!!
[/Beavis & Butthead]
Oh, take pictures, por favor.

My best friends housemate wore a white t-shirt, 2 sizes too small, to their local Woolies.

Printed on the front of said t-shirt, in colourful capital letters was -


  • obviously it was one of the FCUK brand of t-shirts.

And she is a lawyer to boot.

My mate was suitably impressed with the looks both of them received. :cool:

Oh dear, my girl wants to go with me. Looks like we’re going to do this as soon as we get shirts.

Anyone have a Medium and/or an XL that they’d be willing to loan?

If Dobson really had attacked SpongeBob, I’d say go for it. What’s he’s criticizing is the tolerance pledge that this video seems to be marketing.


I’d buy one if I had the cash. :cool: