Wierdest rant youv'e heard someone, who was high, make.

I once had a buddy (more of a friend of a friend) who was into all manner of intoxicating substances. One day while we were all hanging out and watching TV he (obviously buzzed on something, but not appearing as to be as much as he must have been) started talking, in a very serious, almost angry tone, about his pubic hair.

“I mean WTF man? Why does it need fucking hair? It never gets cold. It is all shoved there in my legs so it never gets cold not like that shitty hair would do anything! FUCK! I mean it is just there a fucking stupid, what.”

At this point he grabs onto his hair, not masturbating, but just grabbed onto the hair

We just said nothing, stared at him, and made a point to later bother him about it whenever we could.

What craziness have you ever heard someone high say?

Y’know, we really should have a special archive of the best and most classic SDMB threads. The above would be in there.

My friend got really stoned. The next day she told me she had figured out the solution to all of the world’s problems. Sadly, she couldn’t remember anything about it. Except that it had something to do with shoes…

I’d heard of that thread, but I’d never read it. Awesome stuff.

Funny thing is, if that same thread were posted today it’d be closed before it got interesting.

We used to know this guy who couldn’t hold his weed. He would get paranoid to the extreme.
He told us about how one night he was sitting in his house smoking and he kept hearing noises outside. So he’d go running outside screaming to keep the thieves from stealing his skirting from his house trailer! :wally
Man I wish I could’ve seen that!
I miss that crazy old redneck!

Lets not forget the monkey butler either.

Can’t think of any real honest to goodness rants though…

I was riding a city bus at the time, and the guy was a stranger, so I’m not sure if he was high, mentally ill, or a combination of the two. Still, although I’ve forgotten most of the words, I can remember the line that basically summed up the whole fifteen-minute stream of verbiage:

[whacked-out monotone overly loud stoner voice]

“And I speak so beautifully that they think I am the Baby Jesus, come to the Temple!”


Hey, yeah. Too bad that we don’t. Oh wait…

Try Watershed moments in SDMB history; or, the SDMB Anthology Project or the inferior What is the most interesting thread ever started on the SDMB?

This thread is better suited for In My Humble Opinion. I’ll move it for you.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB