wii disk drive questions

Wii quit reading disks most of the time. One of the disks it will not read is new.

Cleaning the drive with a cleaning disk and cleaning kit did not make much difference. Does this sound like a disk drive problem?

Replacement disks on Amazon are A,B,C,D and E. How do I figure out which disk I need if I want to go this route?

Is there a more appropriate thread to discuss Wii hardware problems?

Call me old fashioned, but you should probably call the nintendo hotline. They probably get questions like these a lot and can probably help you faster than this board. Do you also have a warrenty left on the wii?

Thanks. No warranty. It is several years old but rarely been used - perhaps two hours per month.

I had a similar problem, mine just stopped reading any discs one day, tried a cleaning disc (which I’ve never held much faith in) which made some discs work and not others. I ended up taking it to pieces and cleaning the lens with a cotton bud (q-tip) and acetone, which sorted it.
I wouldn’t recommend you dismantle your wii unless you’re confident working on delicate electrical goods though, it’s a very fiddly job, there are lots of very small screws in I think four or five different sizes, some of which require a special tri-winged screwdriver (available cheaply on ebay). Once you get the outer plastic case off there is another, metal case inside, and beneath that another cover over the disc reading mechanism before you get the the laser.
I found it a rather tricky job, though I’m no professional, I just like to fiddle with broken stuff to see if I can make it work again.
To be honest, I would think if you need to ask this question, you should maybe find a friend or family member who has an understanding of dismantlings.

That one of the disks is new is an indication that your Wii may require a firmware update. An update is only available by connecting it to the Internet.

My spouse, who once did some computer repair as part of her IT supervisor position took it apart and cleaned it and got it to read further, i.e. the failure message came after the index instead of immediately. She had to put it aside for a week.

Where do we find this firmware update?