So, as to what brought up this question, a buddy of mine tells me to check out the ‘casual encounters’ section of Craigslist. He has just discovered that there are lots of young horny women in his town looking for no strings attached monkey sex. I tell him that most of these postings are probably setups for webcam sites or some other gimick, and that if an attractive young girl was looking for some lovin, she would probably just head for the nearest bar. At any rate, I check out the site and start reading some of the ‘couples’ ads out of curiosity. Now I’m quite aware that there are some couples that like to ‘swing’ but these ads had some terms with meanings I didn’t understand, so I look up swinging at good old wikipedia.
Under history, the article admits that the Romans were into some kinky stuff, but goes on to claim that modern swinging came about with U.S. military pilots in WWII or shortly thereafter. Now, color me skeptical. Surely partner swapping has been around continuously forever right? It’s not really a high-minded advanced concept when you think about it. The cites wiki provides don’t back the claim IMHO. Can anybody make a case for the wiki article being true? Anybody know of any swapping going on in, say, the 30s?
(sorry if this post has bad spelling. I just got a new computer, and don’t have Word yet)