WildestBill, the weaselling stops here.

Now you’re just lying. “I said I was gonna beat him up, but it was just a metaphor!” You’re so full of shit, little man, and you have been since day one.

YOU kicked MY ass? Dude, you ARE delusional. The best you managed to get was “You agree with lotsa people!” Oh, yeah, such a whuppin’. “Ganging”? How so? Because I see you making threats to someone else?

“But I don’t even know him, so it can’t be a threat!”

Bullshit, little man. Crack open a dictionary before you start getting in an argument about the definition of “troll”.

you ain’t worth my time, and that’s the fucking truth.

We have no way of knowing that you aren’t utilizing any one of a hundred methods of finding out who he really is and where he lives so you really can turn a threat in the Pit into physical violence. If you meant no physical harm, you should have made that clear. I would also suggest that, if there is a chance that someone could misconstrue your comments as a threat to his person, it is not the time to dick around with shoddily constructed “metaphors!”

I’m glad you’ve managed to show your true colors so soon in your time here, inor. You may have twice as many posts in 6 weeks than I’ve amassed in almost two years, but your comments in this thread should serve to show people what you’re really like.

Damn, I wish that thing didn’t look so happy.

Inor, m’friend, I appreciate the defense( <-not meant sarcasticly!), but I wasn’t bothered by Ben’s comparison, and I strongly suspect that Poly wouldn’t either. I think Ben was mentioning us as a range of posters who’ve taken WB to task for various actions, Ben as an athiest(I think), Poly as a devout Christian and me somewhere in the middle.

In any case, however he meant it, Wring, Spoofe and Lynn are right about the threats. The board doesn’t tolerate physical threats even if it’s not likely they’ll ever be carried out. Think of the possible liablitity if something were to happen!

Like I said, I appreciate it, and I want you to stick around (there aren’t enough Robinson and Heinlein fans around here!) but if you persist with the threats, even in jest, you’ll get booted!

<Unasked-for advice alert!>
I’d strongly advise apologizing for the threat and stepping away from this thread.
</Unasked-for advice alert!>

Turn back from the dark side, Inor! :wink:


The fuck’s this mean?

I mean, what true colors? I take exception to something, I take exception to it- I’m not ambivalent, anyone with a living brain knows what I’m talking about.

What’s posst count/time got to do with it?

And what the fuck? you been following me around, lurking on my shit jsut so you could finally come up with this vague, non-threatening crown to some shadow vendetta against me?

Cuz if you have, you would know that I am by no means a computer expert, and would have, I’m sure, been able to discount the one hundred methods of whatever the hell you’re foaming about.
fuckin go play with your barbies or something.

And Spoofie- This ain’t trolling- I’m pretty sure there’s no doubt in your mind that i’m honestly offended by this fucking squit. Therefore, the requisite dishonest, trouble-for-the-pure-fun-of-trouble aspect doesn’t apply.

Ain’t there some new rule about troll accusations?

And no, dear small cat abuser, I haven’t lied, or back-pedaled in any way- those threats are clearly metaphorical, unless you assume I have the knowledge and where-withall to do whatever it takes to track down an ISP, further track down one of said ISP’ customer, which I’m sure would take more bribe money than I have at my disposal, and then travel to where the hell ever he lives, and do him physical violence. Over two people who, while I certainly admire them, don’t know from fucking adam.

Your logic is really one for the books. The sort that one buys for that Abnormal Psyche class.

So, back it up fucker- where did I lie? Where did I troll?

Not aplogising, wouldn’t be able to do it truly, but stepping away

The face that you have presented to the SMDB up to this point has been for the most part jovial and agreeable. You have been well-liked by many posters. And more power to you for holding strong opinions and giving voice to them. I never said that you didn’t.

When I say you’ve shown your true colors, I mean that, even though a lot of your posts have been goofy and fun, the vitriol you’ve spewed in this thread is inexcusable. Whenever I see a funny, mundane posting of yours in MPSIMS, I will be reminded that the same poster is also capable of unwarranted and vicious insults, threats, and attacks. And that will prevent me from regarding anything you ever write on the SDMB in the same way as I might have before this thread.

I say this because, having thrown yourself into this community with such abandon, I would expect that you would have also absorbed some of the communities (admittedly few) standards along the way. Clearly, I was wrong. Our most important community standard is “Don’t be a jerk,” and you are proving yourself to be a grade-A jerk.

Don’t flatter yourself, o uncapilalized one. I’m an avid reader of the Pit, MPSIMS, and IMHO, all forums that you’ve been all over like white on rice since the beginning of February. It would take a concentrated act of will not to pick up on your posting styles and habits in those forums. From now on, I will be concentrating on such an act of will.

It doesn’t take a computer expert to use a search engine. It doesn’t take a computer expert…but I’ll not say more, lest you really are as much of a crackpot as I suspect you to be. In your case, I’m prepared to let ignorance thrive for once.

After reaching a certain level of maturity, I chose to move on to more adult toys. However, I’m sure all your Barbies, G.I. Joes, and My Little Ponies are jealous since you started spending all your time online. Perhaps you should give up on the computer and return to toys more suitable to someone of your maturity. I hear there’s a new series of Transformers that might be right up your alley. :rolleyes:

As long as I’m making your precious little self laugh, I’m tolerable.

The minute I become more than one-dimensional, I’m an immature, Grade-A, ignorant, crack-pot, stalking-people-through-the-Internet jerk.

I’m getting the idea you’ve been nursing some kind of grudge.

Sorry you will forever be unable to view one of my posts without thinking of those here. Guess I got a little too real for you. Well, please don’t have nightmares on my account.

Have fun, see ya around.

would you do us all a favour and ask the mods to close this thread - seems like inor isn’t going to take the hint about taking his crap elsewhere.

I definitely am taking my crap elsewhere.
Don’t worry, carry on.
It is a nice thread.

Can you take your crap elswhere a little faster then please inor - we’d hate to detain you against your will.

And BTW - are you one of those posters who does a search on your own name just so you can respond to the latest post addressed to you, 'cos your posting pattern in this thread sure suggests that…

Sounds kind of pitiful to me.
In my case though, there are only 2 threads going on that I’m responding to. Goodness, how hard can that be?

inor, I don’t know what’s going on with you…

You’ve made quite a lot of rational, supportable arguments on this board since you joined and many of us have enjoyed and appreciated them.

But you seem to be on a crash and burn mission right now.

You’ve had your say about this MB and the posters here, you’ve taunted the admins to ban you. If it means so little to you, then why the fuck are you still posting? Is Coldy holding a gun to your head until Lynn has chocolate withdrawals and bans you?

You have the option of voluntarily not posting, or even asking the mods to block your posting privileges for a given time - you are not exercising either of those options.

Forgive those of us who question the motives of people who loudly announce how fucked this message board is and how they are leaving but who continue to respond to posts addressed to them within minutes.

Obviously, Manhattan has handcuffed you here and refuses to let you depart this MB.

The refusal of the mods/admins to let you leave this message board is such a gross violation of their power that I shall immediately email the Chicago Reader, Ed Zotti and Cecil Adams and demand that the handcuffs, peppersprays and batons provided to mods/admins be withdrawn forthwith - and just to protect you further, I’ll demand that they surrender all duct tape in their possession and that Lynn be allowed chocolate only under supervision.

I am truly shocked that the mods/admins would hold an unwilling poster here against their will and right now am preparing emails to Amnesty International and the UN.

Get over yourself wanker, and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Hey, guys? Can we PLEASE start a new thread to tell off inor and continue with the original topic? This thread has been so hijacked it’s sick.
Anyhoo, Ben, don’t forget where he implied I exchange sexual favors with my professors, and that he should be allowed to break the speed limit, because that’s “How he got his nickname…”

(Wildest Bill, I mean)

I don’t get you -
Where am I bashing the boards?

Where did I taunt the admins? I invited lynn to ban me if she thought it necessary. She hasn’t done so yet.

As far as not responding- yeah, when I post something that is rational, you don’t agree with it, essentially say what a backward, dumbass jerk I am, well, I’m gonna respond.

I’ve walked away now many times. I happen to note someone has replied to me, someone who I have said nothing about, so yeah, I attack back.
There is a difference though- I stay on course, I don’t bring all kinds of specious shit into the fray just because I have no other way to attack.

I give up. I don’t care whether or not I’ve impressd you in the past- my position here has jsut as much thought gone into it as whatever else you’re talking about. I am not being as pretty here, I suspect, as any arguments that might ahve impressed you. Also, if there have been those that have impressed you, I suspect you happened to agree with what I said. You don’t seem to here. So, you attack. Fine. But you bring all this wierd this in jsut to have someting to say, to hit with, that really has nothing to do with what I’m saying or doing.

As far as attacking back, there’s lots of times I don’t. When I do, I gotta tell ya, my stuff has more substantiality to it than what I’ve seen you do so far here in this thread.

Original point- Hey Ben- knock it the fuck off if you have such a hard time with Bill- this is only the second pit thread and 11 billionth attempt to do this, he ain’t changing, fuckin pull your stupid face off the stove top if it burns you so much- go talk to someone who you don’t get so mad at.

He responds comparing himself to poly or fenris. That’s laughable- it’s apples and oranges. So, i tell him if he does it again, I’m gonna whack him. Now, people start to do the same thing you’ve been doing- getting ridiculous, saying i meant that as a physical threat, jsut to have something to bash me with.
I respond. In one case, I am told I am lying, and a troll. Those accusations still haven’t been backed up. Why? Because they are ridiculous and baseless, same as pretty much everything that has been flung my way.
I might be offending you, doesn’t mean I’m having a meltdown, doesn’t mean I’m an asshole.
You, bringing such specious, tangential shit to the fray does kinda speak so for you though.

Where does this shit about me being forced to post come from? I don’t even know how to respond, and it’s typical of all you’ve posted towards me here. What the fuck does it even have to do with anything?

Jeesus, you’re like a cloud of insane gnats, and I’m tired of swatting. The only real fault I see myself displaying is not having stopped swatting at you bugs long ago.

It’s jsut that it is hard- someone jumps onto the pile on, one wants to swat them for being such a chickenshit ass.

Yeah inor, I’m just “piling on” here just like I usually do in Pit threads.

Hell, just ask the rest of the cabal…

Silly me - I actually spent 10 minutes contemplating apologising to you (because I have found many of your posts both enlightening and entertaining) because I thought you might just be having one of those bad days which all of us have when we post without thinking and generally make fuckwits of ourselves.

I was even going to email each of the mods I mentioned in the above posts and apologise for invoking their names.

I’ll still email the mods and apologise, and I will still respect and acknowledge what you contributed to this board, but unless you can explain to the rest of us why you are SOOOO pissed off (and explain it in words of one syllable, cos we aren’t very bright) then we are all at a loss to understand your apparent self-destruct.

My email and ICQ addies are in my profile if you are genuinely interested in pursuing this conversation and having your viewpoint heard…

Ok, reprise, I’ll try again.

I read this thread, add a couple comments to it, saying ey- you ain’t gonna change Bill, why not jsut enjoy him?

What I don’t say is how stupid is this? like I said, it’s only the 2nd pit thread in a week and the 11 billionth attempt to do I don’t know what with Bill. But it’s futile. Well, I think it’s stupid, but I leave it alone.

I think Ben is stupid, but I leave him alone.
Till I see him gnawing on Fenris. Then, I get a little more blunt in telling him to just fucking quit- jsut quit tryijng to pick Bill to death if it upsets him so.

He responds comparing himself to Fen and Poly.

I say something, I don’t remember what, go off to do some stuff, keep thinking about that comparison, get mad. It’s the most asinine comparison I’ve seen yet today, and given who’s making it and who he’s trying to elevate himself by comparing himself to, it pisses me off.

So, I tell him so, and that if he does it again, I’m gonna cut him off at the knees, that he’s hamburger.

At this point, people start getting plain stupid, jumping in to the fray, sayijng I’m making physical threats.

What? Where did that come from? Ahhh, I get it, they’re being mean and stupid about it. Bringing up something thats patently ridiculous to bash on me with. Well, it’s hard to fight this kind of craziness, this kind of groundless attack, but I do my best.

These are people I have never said boo to, keep in mind, yourself included. Except for Spoofe. Now, do you agree that I’m being a troll? That I’ve lied somewhere?
I don’t. I attacked what I consider to be time-wasting stupidity, and a slight attack on someone I like. Since then, I’ve been attacked on all sides by the same type of stupidity.

For instance- you saying I’m dissing the boards, taunting the mods. Bullshit, and you know it. But you used it. I haven’t once used that kind of thing. Not a goddamm once.

Devoting all kinds of space to the mods forcing me to post- What the hell is that even? If it’s some kind of argument about what an asshole I am, then the best I can say is, hay, swings your way too, doesn’t it?

So, am I gonna be nice? Not hardly.
And yeah, you did pile on by doing what you’ve done.

Everybody’s main argument, main thing that they are using on me is what an asshole I am. ITHO. I come back with on-course stuff about them, they start foaming at the mouth. These are again, people I’ve never said shit to, they jsut jump in out of the blue, you included. Take yoru remark about ‘o, yeh, here i go jumping on like I always do…’
I said you were doing so in this case, i didn’t characterize you as always doing it- see? jsut some un-grounded, tangential shit.

Think what you will- I try to make laughter, I try to make reasoned arguments, I welcome newbies lots of times, I try to encourage this one or that one I see having a hard time, and yup, I try to devastate when I feel it’s warranted. I also pass up so much stupidity, it’s frightful.
There ya go. If you don’t get it this time, what can I say.

he wasn’t gnawing on fenris, but on Dr_Paprika, anothe rguy I like, and I took exception to it- in my mind, it was like a fucking sick chihuahua gnawing on a beautiful shepherd or something.

It was jsut stupid and asinine. And I didn’t stand for it.

Now, attack me for the asshole I am so clearly being.

If you will leave this thread alone inor, then so will I.

This thread was never about you to begin with, but it has become about you. I will repeat yet again what I have already stated - I enjoy many of your arguments and have no wish to see you banned from this board.

The reason most of us frequent this board is because it’s one place where we can have intelligent, reasoned conversations with people who disagree with our viewpoints and have our perceptions acknowledges as valid, even if they are not agreed with. It’s called “respect”.

You probably won’t ever find a more honest, open and giving community than this one, but if you want to challenge the admins to ban you, then your wish will probably be granted -
they aim to please.

soft cock!!!