Will the right stop trying to stop trying to compare their crazies to the left's mild overreactions?

Please provide the explicit or implicit comparisons that Moveon.org, Olberman, and Moore made between Bush and Hitler.

And no, a couple of nutballs submitting videos to a Moveon.org video contest =/= Moveon.org. Just in case you were wondering.

OTOH, G.O.P. Congresscritters and right-wing TV and radio hosts with audiences of millions have compared Obama to Hitler.

So when you said “BusHitler?” (in quotes), you didn’t actually mean “the phrase ‘bushitler’”, you just meant generic comparisons of Bush to Hitler? Because you can (I assume) see how that might lead to confusion. What with the quotes there and stuff.

IMO, making a documentary-style film about the assassination of an unpopular sitting president when there already of plenty of crazy people who hate him is a dick move. I say the same about all the righties who go over the top with the Obama rhetoric. YMMV.

  1. Sorry, not “my side.” I am only a conservative relative to the SDMB. I haven’t voted for a Pub presidential candidate since Dole.

  2. It was not a “call for assassination,” nor did I say it was. It was an unhelpful contribution to overheated rhetoric, by someone who knew damn well what kind of environment he was releasing his film into. It is a step up from lynching Sarah Palin in effigy, but still an ugly thing, IMO.

This is further proof that you don’t have clue one about this particular movie; you’re trying to prop it up as some big bad We Hate Bush thing when it is so clearly not.

Have you seen it?

yes, actually I did mean the whole panoply of Bush=Hitler comparisons. If you want to be technical about it, yes, there are/were plenty of people using the phrase “Bushitler.”

I don’t doubt it. I’m sure there were also people who thought he was literally the reincarnation of Jesus. But I honestly had never heard the term until an SDMB thread a few weeks ago in which someone, possibly you, used it as an example of what went on during the Bush years. Maybe I was just (un?)lucky, but it certainly didn’t seem to have penetrated the public consciousness the way birthers or teabaggers have.

Nope. Did read an interview with the director, and read (non-political) reviews.

Sorry, I don’t subscribe to the “you can’t say anything if you haven’t seen it” line. If someone made a movie speculating – purely speculating, of course – about a white supremicist killing President Obama, I wouldn’t need to see it to call it assholish. If the director acknowledging himself as a strong conservative, I’d regard it as an example of assholish behavior from a conservative.

It probably wasn’t me. I can’t speak for the public consciousness, but some of the liberals I know were quite convinced Bush is/was a fascist, and I saw plenty of that rhetoric on the interwebs.

I hadn’t heard it either till just very recently here on the SDMB. FTR I despise Bush and pretty sure I would have picked up on this had I heard it before.

Not saying no one used it before. I try to keep my ear to the ground on these things so I guess I magically missed it too somehow.

Ah well…

For example, from your link, Michelle Malkin? :smiley:

30,100 hits for “bushitler” is nothing.
By way of comparison, “obamanation” nets 464,000 hits while we’re less than 9 months into the Obama presidency.
Heck, I get 205,000 hits for “obama is hitler”.

And you’d be just as hysterical then as you are now.

In no way.

I had never heard of any of these things, until you backpedaled from the BusHitler thing.

I guess anytime you allow subjective absolutes such as “as bad”, you will never find a consensus.

My guy is just not as bad as your guy.
Both sides have a plethora of ‘crazies’ to pick from and from this thread alone it’s the Lib’s screaming that the other side is worse. Most of the Republican crowd is stating that there is plenty of crazy to go around.

Why would this not be embraced one might ask. It’s called compromise.

Alternatively, if you type “bush hitler” you get 1,330,000 hits :slight_smile:

Because the worse behaving one of a pair is happy to be punished only as much as the better behaving one, while the better behaving one is unhappy to be punished as much as the worse behaving one.

If Frankie punches Jeffy in the nose and Jeffy shoots Frankie in the face, Jeffy is better off if everyone says, “Gosh, both sides behaved badly” where Frankie is better off if everyone says, “Gosh, Jeffy behaved really badly.”

Averaging makes the bad look better than they are and the good look worse.

Pretty significant that. These are the same 2 people who took their turn as Pulbic Enemy #1 on the right and were relentlessly bombarded with criticism on Fox etc. Moore puts out 2 hours of material every couple of years (and criticsm of F911 is just nitpicking), and Sheehan was just a housewife. Just 2 people and you admit they’re only moderately crazy.

Meanwhile, there are dozens of right-wing nuts who get hours of airtime each day, each of whom engages in far more egregious spin.

There are plenty of non-conservatives who prefer to keep these 2 at arm’s length (Sheehan’s 15 minutes are over anyway).

It’s called caving in and going along with the Right Wing’s excuses for it’s own bad behavior.

No, it’s called false equivalence. Dwelling upon the splinter in your neighbor’s eye while ignoring the plank in your own.