Will the U.S. be at war with Iran before January '09?

I suggest you read what I said. I don’t gamble, including “gentleman’s wagers”. Not now, not ever, not even when I was a kid, period.

And even if I did, my sole comment on a draft in this thread was in respone to alphaboi867 's comment that Bush didn’t have the legal authority to implement one; I said ‘But does President “I am the Law” Bush believe that ?’. What exactly would we bet on, and how would we settle the bet about what Bush believes ? After all, even if he does nothing, I could just say, “Oh, his advisers just explained the legal issues to him. Slowly, in words of few syllables.”

Yes. He will. :slight_smile:

BrainGlutton? Yes. Exactly.

spoke-. Uh… I did not mean to imply in any way that I wish ill of that particular Congressman, nor was I hoping to hasten his resignation. Much the contrary. And of course you are right, were he to resign, the Republican Governor would have to appoint a replacement for it to be 50-50.

I suspect that if that came to pass, the Republican Governor would take oh, say, about 90 minutes to announce the Republican replacement. :rolleyes:

Well, you seem to be back sliding to your whole ‘Bush is god and king and can do whatever he wants’ schtick. If you don’t REALLY belive Bush can push through a draft (regardless of the lack of evidence that Bush et al actually WANTS a draft of course…we’ll leave that part aside), but only that BUSH might believe he could (I am not going there)…then you are right, we have no bet. So its settled then, right? Neither of us believes a draft is possible. Glad we could clear that all up Der.



To the OP, I say no. One stupid war per customer. I mean, can you imagine? The U.S. military has like 3 Arabic speakers; how many do we have who speak Farsi? And no, you don’t get to count that woman on JAG. The whole idea is so preposterous that even a regime fairly inured to preposterousness wouldn’t countenance it, especially having lost control of Congress.