It depends on the celebrity and the nature of the hanging out. Getting introduced to Jack Black or Neil deGrass Tyson is going to be a lot different than with George W Bush or the Dalai Lama or Jeff Bezos.
Hang out in popular spots. Join their country clubs. Get backstage passes.
Yeah, mingle. There have been plenty of people who scammed their way into the inner circles that it should be easy if you are really wealthy. You will be on the outskirts of the party for awhile but it shouldn’t take too long. Wear designer clothes. Order caviar on everything.People will talk. Or just call up Trump and see if he will meet for lunch if you donate to his legal fund.
At the risk of fighting the hypothetical, would a lottery jackpot really make a celebrity care about spending time with you? They must rub shoulders with multi-millionaires and billionaires all day long. Not sure what they would particularly care about spending time with some Average Joe who just got $200 million.
Develope a product or service, that’s very expensive, rich people are gonna want.
As the CEO of the company you’ll have to have lunches and business meetings with these people.
Lunch at the hot spots. Pick up the check.
Soon you’ll be invited to their parties.
Sustaining is just a matter of being interesting and fun.
Yeah, that’ll be easy.
Go to Vegas. Throw enough money around that you start getting access to increasingly-exclusive clubs, suites, poker rooms, etc. Eventually you’ll wind up in the same place as some celebrities, particularly younger ones who like to party.
Another option is to pay for seats at, or book completely, VIP boxes/suites/whatever-they’re-called at NBA, NFL, MLB, etc. games. The rich and famous are bound to be in an adjoining suite, and if the vibe in yours is good enough, maybe you can invite some neighbors over to join your party. Eventually those neighbors will include the rich and famous. Hell, the team may even give you backstage access to the athletes if you toss enough money around.
Seems like tossing money around is a theme in this thread.
Years ago, the Washington Post had an article on how a hypothetical couple winning the lottery might break in to DC high society. I searched for it and had no luck finding it, but I seem to recall that among other things, they should buy a home in someplace upscale, and get involved with charities. The same sort of thing might well work in other areas, e.g. where lots of movie stars etc. hang out.
Here’s a 2018 article from Slate suggesting the lottery winner set up a private foundation. You can give yourself a fat salary and get high social standing. There will be lots of occasions at which you can meet famous people.
On the contrary, I’d think they’re more likely to mark the rube who fell ass backwards into a fortune as a prime target for investing in their craft loganberry schnapps distillery.
I agree with those who have said the first step is to buy an expensive home in an exclusive community. Especially if the home you’re buying is being sold by one of the celebrities in the social circle you want to join.
Like anyone, I imagine famous people collect friends through the relationships they build up naturally through their work and recreational activities. And like most people (more than most people probably) they tend to be wary of people who just “appear” in their lives suddenly looking to be best friends.
That is, unless you have something to offer.
So, your best bet might be to suddenly show up as the mysterious stranger who just purchased that big house on the Hamptons, looking for some indy film or side venture to invest a few million dollars in.