Windows 11 Desktop Question

My work laptop got upgraded to Windows 11 a couple of months back, and I’m still trying to get used to it. There is a feature on the desktop that I’d like to turn off but I don’t even know what it’s called, which makes it hard to search for a solution.

I have two external monitors (I don’t use the laptop display, the laptop is closed and sitting between the two monitor bases) and I frequently drag windows back and forth across the two monitors. There is a bar that appears at the top of the monitor with several… I guess what I would call docking options… that it wants to try to fit the window I’m moving into one of its docking layouts. I want to disable that bar so it doesn’t pop down every time I move a window from one monitor to the other.

Anyone know what that bar is called and how to disable it?

It’s called Snap, and the settings for it are available under Settings > System > Multitasking.


One of the options is SNAP WINDOWS

Turn it OFF

DAMN, one time I knew the answer and get my butt kicked because I type too slow. :sleepy:

IIRC that appears when you drag a window top bar too close to the screen top. Then it suggests those options for arranging your open windows.

Yes - the problem is that I usually have windows sized fairly large, so I can’t help but triggering the “snap” bar as I’m moving it.

Thanks @BigT and @GaryM for your assistance!

I see another option under System → Multitasking that is thankfully turned off but which also used to drive me crazy until I could figure out what was going on: Title Bar Window Shake. Sometimes when moving a window my mouse hand would get the jitters, and suddenly all my windows were minimized!

Sorry. I debated waiting when I saw someone else typing after I looked it up. I should have gone against my instinct and waited.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll try harder next time…